Page 21 of The Wild Side of Hell
“Yes, this is wonderful! Thank you!”
“Glad you like it. I wanted something you’d enjoy,” Diesel replied. He sniffed the air and rubbed his stomach. “What have you cooked, babe? It smells fuckin’ amazing.”
“Prawn cocktail alongside chicken strips, breaded mushrooms and toasted bread. I didn’t know what you liked, so I made two starters. Then, for mains, mashed potatoes, chicken in a red wine sauce and side vegetables. And for dessert, strawberry pavlova and a chocolate fudge cake. Again, I wasn’t sure what you’d like. If you don’t like the mains, I also prepared a roast chicken and can mix up a gravy.”
Diesel’s eyes grew wider as I spoke, and I wondered if he hated all of it.
“You didn’t know what I liked, so you cooked two meals so I could choose?” Diesel sounded strangled.
“Yup,” I said, toeing the carpet and thinking I’d done wrong.
“Fuck me. Nobody has ever bothered about what I eat. Or ever bothered to cook two dinners to make sure I had one I would enjoy,” Diesel muttered. The warmth in his eyes was unnerving me, and I smiled tentatively.
“That’s a good thing, yes?”
“Alice, that’s amazing, babe.”
I blushed and urged Diesel to sit. Hurrying out to the kitchen, I placed the starters on a tray and carried them carefully. I didn’t want to trip or drop them. Diesel was pouring us both two glasses of wine.
“Thought you might like beer, but I wasn’t sure,” I said.
“I’ll have it after dinner when we’re relaxing,” Diesel replied as he helped me unload the plates. He gazed in surprise at the quantities of food in front of us. The bread basket was full of homemade white and wholemeal rolls. The prawn cocktails were generous, and the chicken strips were long and thickly cut.
“You cooked this all yourself?” Diesel urged, taking the tray and pulling my chair out for me.
I sat, and Diesel shunted me in before taking his own seat.
After spending the first seventeen years of my life on a basic and rationed diet, I liked to indulge occasionally now. “Yeah, I like to cook, now that I’ve learnt,” I said, and a shadow crossed Diesel’s face.
“You didn’t know how?” he asked, scooping up a bite of prawn cocktail. His eyes widened as the flavours hit his tongue. “Wow! Cook this anytime, babe.”
Happy Diesel enjoyed the food, I lifted my fork and dug in. I was starving, having not eaten all day. “No, we were taught basics at the church. Nothing like this. It might have given us ideas.” I laughed.
Diesel didn’t.
“Hate you went through that shit. But I am so fuckin’ proud of you for standing up to them and holding your own. Can’t imagine Magic’s without you. You’ve been here years.”
“Easily overlooked part.” I chuckled.
Diesel pointed his fork at me. “Nope, we all knew you were there, but you obviously weren’t open to offers. I’m the lucky one who got in first as soon as you become available.”
“Don’t be silly,” I said, tearing a bread roll and buttering it before dipping it into the cocktail sauce.
“Think Inglorious wouldn’t make a move? Or Bat, Tiger, Onyx? Or my brothers? Honey, we all watched, waiting for a sign you were ready to date. None of us was going to push because Magic would have torn us apart with his bare hands. But there were eyes on you!”
I think Diesel saw I didn’t know what to make of that because he changed the subject quickly and asked me about my copywriting and editing. The conversation remained pleasant as we continued eating.
I cleared the plates a little while later, and Diesel voted on the mash potatoes and chicken in red wine sauce. For dessert, we had both.
“I feel bad, but not too bad,” Diesel said as he helped me clean up.
“Oh?” I sought.
“Well, I know you have starters left over, roast chicken, and put those two desserts together, and you’ve got a full one. Guess I’m going to have to come for dinner tomorrow!” he teased.
“Are you now?”
“Yup, can’t expect you to eat all that alone, Alice. Would you like to watch a film or go for a ride?” he asked, changing the subject.