Page 15 of The Wild Side of Hell
“What’s going on?” I whispered.
“We think those assholes have gone to the cops. Cops would take them seriously as they’ve been wearing expensive suits. Just stay down here for now. There are books and shit in the corner alongside food and drink. I’ll come for you, baby girl, no matter what the fuck happens,” Magic said.
“Don’t get shot,” I whispered, and Magic’s face softened.
“Only happened once, baby,” Magic promised.
Yeah, he’d been shot saving Bunny. I’d been terrified.
“I can’t do this shit alone, Magic,” I said, and Magic grinned.
“My sweet girl, you ain’t alone and will never be alone again. Eight MCs are gathering to protect you. You just obey me and survive because I will set the world on fire if you get hurt. And so will a certain biker,” Magic said teasingly.
I began to speak when Magic stiffened.
“No matter what happens, you stay here. You’ll be able to hear everything, but make sure the second door stays locked. It can only be activated here. I’ll be back, Alice, one way or another.”
Magic left the room as I stared after him, frightened, as he locked me inside the safe room. I hit the panel he showed me, and the second door slammed into place again. I turned to the monitors and saw a cop car followed by another car parking up. Shit. They had gone to the cops.
Magic went to the front of the bar and wiped it down as two uniforms entered it. I didn’t recognise them, but that meant nothing. Behind them strolled the Fifth Minister and the stranger. Both were dressed in sharp, expensive suits, and my back bristled. They looked like decent, caring men, but I knew differently.
“What ya want?” Magic boomed.
One of the officers smiled and approached.
“Magic, I’m Officer Douglas, and this is my partner, Officer Hawes. We’re investigating the disappearance of a woman.”
“Yeah, they were in here earlier but dressed differently. Where’s ya hippy clothes gone now?” Magic asked.
“They were our casual clothes. Now we’d like to know where Alexis is hiding, please. Please hand Alexis over; there’s no reason to get nasty,” the Fifth Minister announced.
“Can’t hand over what I don’t have, and you ain’t seen nasty yet, boyo,” Magic demurred. “These bring you out here claiming I’m holding her hostage or some shit? On what evidence?”
“Alexis was seen alive here, Magic, on a TV interview,” Douglas said.
I bit my lip. That fucking interview was going to haunt me. I watched as Magic leaned back and folded his arms.
“Are you fucking serious? Based on a glimpse of a woman I ain’t even sure they’ve identified correctly, you come here and harass me? Did you ask your chief? And Hawthorne? Youharassing them? They were in charge during the fire. Do they know her? No, you not asked? What a fucking surprise. Because I wear a cut and run a bar, I’m automatically suspect,” Magic sneered.
The officers swapped glances.
“We got a search warrant,” Hawes said hesitantly.
“You fuckin’ go ahead. I’m calling your boss. Get ready, fellas, because he’ll rip you a new one. Harassing a legal businessman,” Magic growled. “And on no damn basis.”
Lio entered the bar, announcing, “My name is Detective Emilio Hawthorne. There’s no need for a warrant. The chief wants you two back at the station. And gentleman, you’re to accompany my partner to the police station to file a missing person report. Apparently, one has never been filed, which has made my chief curious, considering you claim she’s been missing eleven years and is handicapped.”
I recognised the man from when he did the search and rescue for the missing boy, Logan.
“Why are we to accompany your partner when this man is hiding a sick woman?” Fifth Minister demanded.
“Because something you didn’t tell the officers here is you belonged to a cult which abused women and children. Maybe still belong to. And you’re searching for a woman who’s supposedly been missing for over a decade. That hit me as suspicious. And why you’re focused on this bar, I don’t know. My chief is reviewing the footage from that day, and he concurred we can’t be positive it is the woman you’re looking for. And with your links, we want to know why you’re looking for this woman,” Lio replied calmly.
“Seems their shit don’t stink when actually they’re walking bags of shit,” Magic commented, and I stifled a laugh.
“And as for you two. You never, ever approach a judge without running shit through a detective. You overstepped and went toofar. If this woman had been hiding here, you could have placed her in a potentially dangerous situation. Chief wants to see both of you as soon as you hit the station. Go!” Lio said.
Lio watched as the two officers sent the Fifth Minister and his friend a sharp look before heading out. I wriggled in my seat.