Page 12 of The Wild Side of Hell
“Baby girl, anyone coming for you is coming from downstairs. I need to be down there, guarding you,” Magic argued.
“Guard me from up here. The smaller bedroom is closest to the entrance. Use that. Have the alerts come to your cell. At leasthere, we can defend better. There’s not many entrances as we’re on the first floor,” I argued.
“That makes sense, Magic. Will put a couple of Hellfire downstairs at night for additional protection. The allied MCs can put brothers on the grounds. And you only need to ask Magic,” Chance said.
“I can protect my own,” Magic grumbled.
“Ain’t saying you can’t, but it would ease the pressure of you knowing Alice is completely covered,” Diesel suggested.
Magic frowned. He didn’t like accepting help, but this time, he needed it. As for me, I’d be content to flee, but it wasn’t the best idea, and I accepted that.
“Fine,” he grumbled.
“I’ll call the presidents and inform them we need two men night and day on the bar. I can put my men inside, and Drake’s,” Chance offered Magic, who glowered but offered a sharp nod.
“What are we going to tell them?” I asked, worried. I didn’t want my history getting out. People would treat me differently. It had taken years to shrug off the church’s teachings, but I’d succeeded. I was no longer that naïve, stupid girl who blindly followed.
“Well, darlin’, the rumour was you ran from an abusive husband. We’ll leave it at that and say he’s tracked you. Honestly, ain’t much of a lie. If those fuckers get hold of you, they’ll either want you to marry or kill you,” Chance said, looking at me.
Magic growled, and I heard the denial in that.
“Okay,” I said in a small voice. None of them said anything about blaming me, but I felt guilty that I was causing such upheaval.
Who the fuck would have guessed that Alice was running from a damn cult? And even worse, she was the key that had brought them down. Diesel rode his bike behind Chance and Bear as they headed back to Hellfire. Chance had called a meeting for the presidents, and they were coming. Lance had sent Bat to instal whatever Magic wanted, and they’d left the big man, telling them his wishes.
Their top security man, Owl, was listening and putting the order together as they spoke. The Fallen Warriors had opened a security shop this year and were doing well. They were also installing systems, and Worm, their internet expert, had opened another company providing internet security. The money was pouring in for the Fallen Warriors, and Diesel was pleased for them. As the three of them pulled up on Hellfire, Diesel noted the Harleys already present.
Drake and Ace’s were there alongside Lance and his enforcer Sniper. They must have ridden together. Parked alongside were two Harleys with the Devil’s Damned Disciples’ patch on their tanks. Jailbait and his VP’s Wrench’s rides, no doubt.
Chance, Bear, and Diesel pulled up next to them and headed into the clubhouse. No surprise that Phoe was present in her Hellfire cut proclaiming her a sister. She was sitting on Shee’s lap and slapping him around the head. No doubt another bitch had messed with Shee’s head.
Phoe glanced up as they entered and leapt to her feet to greet us. Drake watched but never said a word. He understood better than to come between Phoe and her brothers. It amazed Diesel that Drake, who was so possessive where Phoe was concerned, would let her hug and sit on a Hellfire brother’s laps. It was something Drake never commented about. Diesel accepted Phoe’s kiss and tilted his head towards Hellfire’s church.
After greeting those present, Chance ordered the officers and guests into church. Several of Diesel’s brothers shot concernedlooks at them but knew better than to interrupt a meeting. Diesel walked in behind Inglorious and his VP Psych.
“Bear, can you wait and greet the others and bring them to church? The meeting won’t start until they arrive?” Chance asked as Bear lumbered to his feet.
Diesel tapped his leg, restless energy flowing through him. His mind kept flicking back to how scared Alice had looked just before she dropped behind the bar. No woman should ever look that terrified.
Onyx, the President of Riders of Vengeance, and his VP, Venom, entered, followed by Tiger, the President of Satan’s Warriors. They were followed minutes later by Crunch, the VP of Satan’s Warriors.
“Just waiting on Scythe and Tinker,” Chance said, naming the President and VP of Devil’s Scythe. Chat rose as they waited until finally Scythe and Tinker entered. Bear shut the door, and everyone sat.
“What’s the crack?” Scythe asked immediately.
“Magic needs our aid,” Chance said, and hisses were heard.
“Whatever he needs, he’s got,” Onyx stated.
Chance nodded. And turned to Diesel.
“You know the most. Explain,” Chance demanded.
“Everyone here is familiar with Alice, Magic’s girl. Today there was an incident where her husband sent two men to find her. Luckily, Alice noticed them and hid, but they made bones about heading to the cops. They’re claiming Alice was in an accident, and her real name is Alexis,” Diesel said, and Jailbait held a hand up.
“Can we stop the bullshit right here? Aware of what you’re doing, Diesel, protecting Alice and Magic. But I’m aware of the truth, and most of us here are too,” Jailbait said and glanced around the table. Diesel bristled as he saw several nods,although there were a few blank looks, mainly from Rage, Fallen Warriors, and Hellfire.