Page 83 of Love Notes
He stops walking to turn and look down at me. “You know I got you.” This is the tenth time he’s brought this up. He hates the idea that I’m beholden to my parents in any way.
“Yes, Tank.” I roll my eyes. “I know you got me,” I laugh. It doesn't matter either way. I’ll get a job, do whatever. All I care about is being with him.
“What do you want for breakfast?” he asks as he picks me up and places me on the counter.
“What is your specialty?” My stomach makes a loud grumble. Before he can answer me, the doorbell rings. My eyes flick to the door. His mom must have gotten impatient. Though it might be later than I think it is.
I’m barely dressed, my mind rushes to remind me. I clearly look like I’ve been up all night having sex. My anxiety is elevated beyond reason. I can’t possibly meet her looking like this.
My eyes search the room for the clothes that Tank pulled from me when we got into the house last night. I run my fingers through my hair to try and fix it. I don’t notice that Tank has already walked over to the door and is currently opening it. As soon as the door cracks, I hear a scream.
“Brownies!” I jerk my head up at my roommate’s code word for danger and see Liv trying to get past Tank. When she realizes this is an unattainable feat, she drops to the floor and crawls straight through his legs.
I burst into laughter. “What are you doing?” I ask through the giggles that have overtaken my body. I’m not even sure my words are decipherable at this point.
“Gave my men the slip.” She pops up from the floor. Tank looks at her like he doesn’t know what to do with her.
“Clothes, big man. Put some on you. The A-Team can get jealous.”
Tank shakes his head before letting the door fall closed and heading to our room. He’s mumbling something about women climbing buildings.
“The A-Team?” I ask. I know she’s talking about the Audley twins, but I’ve never heard her call them that before. Her smirk tells me I’m not so sure I want to know.
“Yeah. ‘Cause they tag-teamed me last night.” My mouth falls open. “Get it? A-Team.” Even as she says it, her cheeks turn pink. She puts her elbow on the counter. Tuesday jumps up and gives her the side eye.
“Looks like I’m not the only one.” She reaches out and tugs on my hair. I bite my lip. I did have a wild night, but it wasn’t a team. One Tank is all I want or need. “We talked on the phone for almost an hour yesterday and not one peep about being in the same building as me. I have to learn it from Levi and Zeke.” She shakes her head. “I mean, the A-Team,” she corrects herself.
“It’s not going to stick. Let it go.”
Her face scrunches. “Yeah, they don’t like it either. Something about the A-Team is bigger and no more dicks being allowed around me. I guess it’s a movie or something.” She bats her hand as if annoyed that someone went back in time and stole the name she came up with.
Tank comes strolling back into the room a few moments later with sweatpants and a shirt on. He walks over toward me. Liv steps back out of his way as he lifts me from the kitchen counter, putting me on my feet, then handing me a pair of yoga pants I shoved in my bag yesterday. “A-Team will be here in a moment.”
“You snitch!” Liv acts shocked, placing her hand on her chest.
“Pants, Treasure,” Tank tells me again, not even glancing Liv’s way. I smile and pull them up my legs. Tank didn’t have to tell them where she is. I’m sure they know or will put it together themselves when they see she’s MIA.
“He called them A-Team,” Liv says smugly, reaching out to pet Tuesday, who has moved closer to her now.
“What do you want to eat?” Tank asks, lifting me back up to sit me on the counter.
“Pancakes,” pops from my mouth. Living in a dorm so long you forget what it’s like to have a kitchen.
“With bacon,” Liv chimes in. Tank shakes his head before giving me a quick kiss.
“Coming up.” He moves into the kitchen as Liv starts chirping away about how she’s happy we’ll still be living close to each other. I am, too. I had no idea the whole new world Liv was going to send tumbling into my life that first day I walked into my dorm room and she sent a box flying at my head.
Her eyes widen and a moment later the front door flies open. “Don’t let Tuesday get out,” Tank orders from his station.
“I want a cat.” Liv points to Tuesday, ignoring her boyfriends, who look a mix of amused and annoyed. As always, I can’t tell which is which.
“You have enough to pet,” one of them tosses back at her.
“Do I smell bacon?” the other one asks as he lifts Liv up, throwing her over his shoulder and giving her ass a smack.
“I was petting the cat,” she pouts. He puts her back on her feet. “Are you hungry? I just fed you both.”
The two of them look back and forth at each other.