Page 8 of Love Notes
We’d never voiced these thoughts to each other. They weren’t even fully formed until Olivia moved in next door. The moment we laid eyes on her it was as if all the jagged pieces of our foundation suddenly clicked into place perfectly. We didn't have to talk about it. We both just knew she was the one.
It was convenient that she lived next door to us, but if she had lived in another town or even another state, we would've still claimed her. Olivia was born to be ours just as we were born to be hers.
“Look, I'm not saying we do nothing, but the fact is we haven't done anything, so why don’t we take it slow?”
I sigh and stick my hands into my pockets—the ones that want to throw Olivia over my shoulder, take her to the nearest private room, and feast on every square inch of her delectable body starting with those plush lips and finishing with my mouth latched against her pussy.
“Yeah, that's a good idea,” I agree morosely, tucking the fantasies into the Olivia box that I’ve been keeping hidden in the back of my head for the last three years. I mean…truly, what’s another few days? My dick may fall off. I may tear my rotator cuff from jacking off so frequently, but no biggie.
“I hear the ‘but’ at the end of your words,” Levi says.
“The ‘but’ is that I’m afraid the minute I put my hands on her, I won’t be able to take it slow.”
“You will,” he says with more confidence that I feel. Then he pounds the hammer into the coffin. “You will because it's Olivia.”
“Fine.” I feel like a five-year-old whose toy just got taken away. “What’s your plan?”
“We go through with the birthday dinner, and we can fool around, but the clothes stay on. The minute a zipper gets pulled, we’re doomed.”
I hate this, but I know he’s right. I hold out my hand and we shake in agreement.
“She's not going to like this,” Levi says.
Olivia is already staring at us suspiciously. “Tell me something I don't know.”
“Be strong.”
My eyes stray to her legs again and I gulp. “No problem.”
Levi gives me a hard shove to propel me forward.
“Give me your phone.” I hold out my hand.
“It went off by itself,” she says, pushing the phone across the table.
I grab it and go to the settings to turn the location sharing back on. It’s a redundancy because I already put a tracker in her case, but, now that she’s here at college and there are a bunch of losers around, I’m not going to be able to sleep without knowing where she is at all times. I dig into my pocket and flip a thin plastic piece—about half the size of a credit card—in her direction.
“Not the first time,” I agree. “You might as well put this in your purse.”
She picks it up and holds it in front of her face. “Is this a GPS tracker?”
“Yup. It’s a prototype from the company I am doing some software work for. They want me to test it out.”
She slips it in her purse. “He probably volunteered,” she says to Erika.
“You'd probably be right,” I answer. I navigate to the app I’d placed on her phone earlier and open it. Then I lay the phone on the table so she can see the screen. On it is a map and three green dots cloistered inside the outline of the campus café building.
She tilts her head. “What’s this?”
“This is the app that works with the tracker. It’s got me, Levi, and you in the same community.”
“You let her track you?”
I turn to her roommate to respond, but Levi beats me to it.
“Yeah. Why wouldn’t we?”
“I thought guys didn't even let their girlfriends look at their phones.”