Page 16 of Love Notes
Erika lies on her side reading her Kindle and swiping faster with her finger than I thought was possible. I’ve noticed her Kindle is never far from her. I’ve also noticed she never talks about friends or even her parents, except for the one time I asked. It actually made me feel a little guilty when my mom called an hour ago. She not only checked up on me, she then asked me to turn my phone angle so she could say hi to Erika too. Mom even asked if my roommate needed anything and what her favorite color was. I’m certain the next care package will have something for both of us in it.
Erika smiled, clearly enjoying the fact someone was checking on her. Where are her own mom and dad? I’ve already put them on my shit list. It’s a short one containing Mr. Martin who threw away the box of cookies I’d been sneak eating under my desk in the fourth grade, and Julia Cranston, who stole my science project in fifth grade. My mom had made those cookies. I don’t care if she made me more and told me to let it go. Mr. Martin and Julie are still on the list and now they have two more people to hang out with. My men are going to be the next to go on that list if they don’t start touching me. I smirk to myself. I should tell them. Their offended reactions would be hilarious.
“I’m missing a book.” I roll over to look at Erika. “I don’t know how I missed it, but I did.” I sigh, picking up my phone and seeing how fast I can get one shipped to me.
“I’m sure it’s in the school’s bookstore,” she tells me. “They keep them all in stock.”
“Good, because this is saying delivery will take two weeks. What takes two weeks to ship these days?” I drop the phone down onto the bed next to me. “What else do they have in this bookstore? Snacks?” Now I’m craving cookies. Thanks a lot, Mr. Martin, for once again messing something up for me.
“Yeah. They’ve got some snacks, books, and some random school supplies you might need and even some school-branded clothing.”
I sit up and throw my legs over the side of the bed. “Let’s go.”
“Right now?” She sits up too, her long dark hair falling all around her.
“What else are we doing?” I slip on my flip-flops. Maybe I can snag us some matching shirts. I felt like such a jerk yesterday after Levi, Zeke and I’d got shirts and left Erika out. I mean, I know she doesn’t want to be branded like us, but I felt rude for not including her. I’m going to fix that.
She puts her Kindle on her side table and heads to the bathroom. She comes out a few moments later wearing a too-big-for-her shirt over the baby tee she was lying around in. She slips on her sneakers and pulls up her thick dark hair in a tight knot. I never get why she always does that. She has the prettiest hair I’ve ever seen.
I grab my phone and purse and we head out. Everyone turns and stares in our direction. You’d think the novelty would be over by now. I get it. They want to see who snagged the Audley twins. What I don’t understand is that by now they’ve seen me multiple times, so why the continuous stares? And this time, I swear, a few are trying to sneakily take pictures of Erika and me. Just in case, I double-check my clothes to make sure I don’t have stains on them or that I don’t have toilet paper stuck to my shoe. I’m starting to feel self-conscious and that’s not something I’m used to. I put those thoughts to the back of my mind and focus on the task at hand.
We head down the stairs and exit out the doors. It’s midafternoon and I wonder what we’ll do tonight. Levi and Zeke hadn’t mentioned anything in particular, but I’m sure they’ll be over soon enough. They want to be around me all the time but also at a safe distance so they don’t take what they think I’m not ready for. I’m so ready for this virginity to be gone, though it has been fun teasing them and watching them get worked up. From the hard-ons they are always trying to mask in their pants, I know I’m not going to be disappointed when I really get to explore them for the first time. I just have to figure out how to get them to stop resisting.
“Is it just me or are people staring more than normal?” I ask Erika. They’re not just looking anymore either. They’re whispering.
“Yeah. Probably talking about that Snapchat of you that’s going around.”
I stop walking to look at her. “Snapchat?” I know the app, but I don’t use it. The boys and I message on our phones.
“Yeah. You haven’t seen it?” Now she’s looking at me like I’m crazy.
“I don’t have Snapchat. Levi and Zeke said no one needs to be following videos of me.” They always say that I’m pretty enough without adding filters. I roll my eyes. “I tried to download it anyway, but it won’t work. I’m pretty sure Zeke did something to block it on my phone.” He’s way too good with technology. It’s annoying and hot all at once. I’m not sure how that’s possible, but I long ago stopped questioning the things they make my body feel. I just go with it. I know that they always have my best interests at heart.
She lets out a laugh but doesn’t act shocked by my comment. I’m guessing she’s getting used to them, too. She clicks away on her phone and pulls it up.
On her phone is a clip of Levi carrying me across campus over his shoulder with Zeke right behind us.
“Damn, my ass looks good.” I glance up at Erika. “They are never going to let me have those shorts back now.” What a shame. Maybe Erika and I can plan a sneak operation to retrieve them one night. I smile, thinking that might actually be really fun. I have plenty of ideas of how I could occupy Levi and Zeke while Erika retrieves my shorts.
“Probably for the best,” she laughs. “You do have a nice ass.” She nods, glancing at my butt.
I look over my shoulder at it and nod in agreement. I hadn’t really noticed until the video. “Come on. I want some snacks. Maybe they’ll make my ass look even better,” I joke.
“Not sure that’s how that works, but I’m so down for testing the theory.”
We walk into the bookstore and stroll the aisles. Eventually, I find the book I need and we move toward the school shirts.
“Let’s get matching shirts.” I glance to Erika, who raises an eyebrow at me.
“You’re really into this matching shirt thing.”
“Yep. And as my new best friend, you are now too.” I grab two shirts off the rack.
“We’re best friends?” she whispers, glancing down at her sneakers. I’m not sure if she meant to really ask the question.
“Well yeah.” I turn to face her. “Aren’t we?” I insist with one hand on my hip for emphasis. It’s not a question either.
“Yeah.” She nods in agreement, full on smiling now. “Though I want a bigger size.” She reaches for one of the two shirts I’m holding.