Page 4 of Roman
“Thirteen years.”
“You go there after?” He didn’t specify after what.
“Yes. El Segador and Rycks brought us back. It was the only place we felt safe.”
“Why now?”
“Why what now?” I played dumb. Talking about this was more difficult than I’d thought, but I knew change would have to happen. At least, it was if we wanted to give this a shot.
He gave me an irritated look, and I sighed. “Look. It was just time. OK? We had time to study you while your club was there helping find Iris’s sister. We decided this was the best chance we’d ever have to leave.”
“You sayin’ you didn’t like it at Black Reign?”
“Not at all.” I shook my head. “They were wonderful. They took us in when they didn’t have to, but it’s past time for us to get on with our lives. After watching all of you, we decided you were like Black Reign. And Bones. And Salvation’s Bane. You might skirt the law from time to time, but you’re good people. We want a chance to live a life without people pitying us.”
“I see your scars.” He looked in the rearview mirror again. “Your sister seems to have more on her face than you do.” He sounded matter-of-fact. He could have been discussing the weather for all the emotion he put into his observations. “I take it she took the brunt of the abuse?”
“She tried to protect me.” It was all he was getting, so I hoped he would drop it.
“We protected each other.” Serelda spoke softly, but she raised her head to meet Roman’s gaze in the mirror. “It was how we survived.”
“Who sold you out, Winter?” I knew that question was coming. It had been so long, and I tried not to think about it. I’d known going into this we’d have to relive our past to some degree. Didn’t make it any easier.
“Our father.”
Serelda whimpered and buried her face in my neck as I held her. Roman didn’t question us any further. His grip on the steering wheel tightened until his knuckles were white. I noticed his jaw clenching and unclenching. He was angry. Logically, I knew he wasn’t angry at us, just at the situation. It still hurt.
“We were victims,” I continued. “But I got our revenge. Maybe we should have tried to get on with our lives sooner. I don’t know. All I know is, this felt like the time to move on. So we did. I’m sorry we got you in the middle of our drama. If you don’t want to take us on or if the condition of our staying involves… things we’re not prepared to endure, we’ll work out a way back to Florida. Or, at least, to Kentucky.”
“Girl, don’t piss me the fuck off.” His growldidsound thoroughly pissed. “Ain’t no woman at Iron Tzars doin’ shit she don’t want to. We’ll make you a place to stay comfortably until you’re ready to move on or you find your place in our club. Ain’t no one gonna throw you out just ‘cause you don’t wanna be a club whore.”
Again, Serelda whimpered and clutched my shirt tighter. I squeezed her tighter as I responded. “I’ll make it known now. We don’t want to be club whores. We’re willing to work, but nothing sexual.”
“We’ll worry about that later. First thing when we get to the compound is to get you settled. Then there’ll have to be a meeting. We’ll have to discuss what to do. You know that, right?”
“We understand.”
The rest of the drive was spent in silence. Thankfully, it wasn’t long before we pulled through the chain-link gate and down a gravel road. The place seemed to have more land than Black Reign. It was ten minutes or so before we topped a rise to find a small community of buildings. Roman pulled up to the biggest and stopped the vehicle. Around us, the motorcycles parked one by one until everyone was off, clapping each other on the back and stretching sore muscles.
Roman opened the door on my side and helped us out. Serelda didn’t look at anyone. She clung to my hand and looked down at her feet.
“She gonna be OK?” Roman spoke softly, his voice a rumbling vibration to my insides. I shivered. Despite the cold, I wasn’t chilled. No. But for some stupid reason, I was insanely attracted to this guy.
“Yeah. We both need time to adjust, is all.” I clutched Serelda’s hand, giving it a tight squeeze to encourage her. “Once we get used to everyone, we’ll both be good.” I deliberately included myself in with Serelda, so she didn’t feel stupid. Or weak.
“Might shoulda thought ‘a that afore you left, little girl.” His drawl sounded equal parts irritated and condescending. Which pissed me the fuck off.
Brick moved in front of us and held out his hand to Serelda. “Come with me, Tinkerbell. I’ll get you settled while your sister castrates our enforcer over there.”
Surprisingly, that got a giggle from Serelda. She looked up at me, a question in her eyes. I nodded. I wasn’t sure why Brick was taking an interest in my sister, but she didn’t seem to mind. The mere fact she was even considering going with the older, very big man was surprising but also a sign she felt safe with him. Anything that made Serelda feel safe was something she absolutely would get no matter what.
“Go if you want to, sissy,” I said. “I’ll be along in a bit.”
Serelda didn’t say anything, just nodded and followed Brick. She took the hand he’d held out and walked with him through the door of the clubhouse? It wasn’t as big or fancy as Black Reign’s, or even Salvation’s Bane’s. The latter had a converted firehouse they’d built onto. This was simpler. While the grounds and the main house were clean, there were signs of age. Made me wonder what the inside looked like.
I took in a deep breath before turning to face Roman. “You don’t get to belittle my sister. You can try to talk down to me or make me feel like I’ve made a poor life choice, but I promise it won’t work out well for you. You speak that way around Serelda again, and Brick is absolutely right about what will happen to you.”
Roman didn’t chuckle or blow me off like he was only joking or I took him the wrong way. Instead, he raised his chin in acknowledgment. “I apologize for my tone. Doesn’t mean I’m wrong. Why would you leave your safe place? Especially if she’s not comfortable with it?”