Page 83 of When She Purrs - A Risdaverse Tale
“Okay now,” I chuckle. “I get it. No more bread.”
“Oh, I will eat bread if it makes you smile.” He nuzzles at my throat, his tongue flicking over my skin. “I will eat everything that you put before me, and I will eat it with greedy mouth and hungry tongue.” His voice dips low and sultry, and suddenly I realize we’re not talking about bread any more.
My breath catches in my throat. Do I dare take the bait he’s offering? “I think I might have something for you to nibble on.”
“Oh?” He moves lower, mouthing my breasts through the fabric of my tunic, his tongue scraping over my nipples. He sucks hard, and even though there are layers separating us, his mouth feels scorchingly hot and so, so good. “Is it juicy? I do love a fresh…juicy…treat.” With every pause, he bites at my nipple.
I whimper. “It’s pretty juicy right now,” I admit. I’m so wet I can feel just how slick I am between my pressed-together thighs. “Maybe you should…taste it and find out.” It’s so hard to choke out the words, because I’ve neglected my own desires for so long. I’ve been a thing to give pleasure, not to take it, and even now, being intimate with a guy I’m crazy over, it’s hard for me to demand that my needs be fulfilled. “But if you don’t want to, that’s okay too,” I rush out, just in case he feels obligated.
Nassakth purrs low in his throat. He looks up at me, and crawls lower down my body, to where my panties are, and pushes my thighs apart. He gazes between them while I hold my breath, and I can see the crotch is damp with my arousal. “It does look quite juicy,” he murmurs, and then leans in and licks me, hard, through my panties.
I bite down on my knuckles, whimpering again. Quiet, I remind myself. Must be quiet. Others can hear.
“Shall I unwrap my delicious meal?” my praxiian mate asks. “Or shall I save it for later, when I am in private?”
Is he asking if I want to stop? Is he CRAZY? “You should eat it now,” I blurt. “This is as private as it’s going to get for the next week and I don’t think I can wait.”
His purring grows louder, so strong that I can feel it shivering through the bed. “An excellent idea. I am quite, quite ravenous.” Nassakth rubs his mouth against the spot he just licked. “Shall I unwrap my meal now?”
It seems a silly question to ask. Like, of course he should “unwrap” me and take off my panties. But when he looks up at me, I realize what he’s doing. My clever, sneaky praxiian is getting me to participate in my pleasure. He’s asking me what I want and making me respond. He’s giving me a little bit of control so maybe later, I can have a lot of control. Because he wants me to feel good. He wants me to want this with him, and he wants me to take as long as I need to, because he’ll be there with me every step of the way.
A hard knot of emotion forms in my throat, and it’s hard to speak around it. My words are choked, but I want to answer him. “Yes, please. Unwrap everything. It’s all for you.”
He curls one claw around the fabric of my panties at the hip, and I can hear the material tear as he drags his claw downward. “My favorite meal,” he murmurs.
“No one savors it like you do,” I whisper, feeling incredibly stupid and silly the moment the words leave my lips.
They’re the right thing to say, though. Nassakth looks up at me with such a mixture of pride and arousal that it makes me want to say all kinds of dumb, kinky things. As long as I’m with him, they’re never dumb. They’re just words. Just things we say to tell the other they’re appreciated.
“I love you,” I whisper, because I realize in this moment I absolutely do.
Nassakth pulls the scraps of my panties off and buries his mouth between my thighs.
Which is great…except I just confessed love to him and he’s ignoring it.
I tell myself that it’s no big deal, that I just need to relax and let him go down on me, because it’s going to be incredible…except I can’t let it go. “I love you,” I say again.
Nassakth grunts.
That kills it for me. I push his head away, glaring at him. “I’m suddenly not in the mood.”
He licks his lips, gleaming from my arousal, and I want to shudder with how needy that sight makes me. “Are you certain? Because you taste like you are in the mood.”
Is he…just not getting this? “Nassakth, I just told you I love you.”