Page 64 of When She Purrs - A Risdaverse Tale
Nassakth sighs and rubs his jaw. The look on his face is displeased, but he doesn’t try to lie again. “I did not want to frighten you.”
“So you lied to me?” I shake my head. “Just tell me the truth, Nassakth. You think I can’t deal with an ugly situation? What do you think the last five years have been like for me? Puppies and cotton candy? It’s been hell, but I’ve dealt with it. I’ve managed. You need to trust me to handle what the world offers up, because protecting me doesn’t help me. It just makes it harder on me when things go to shit, okay?”
I can’t tell if the expression on his face is resigned or just defeated. Nassakth crosses his arms over his chest and shakes his head. “It is not that simple, Kim.”
“Uh, it’s pretty damn simple if you ask me. When I ask you something, how about you spit the truth at me instead of hiding it? Badly hiding it?”
“Because I am praxiian. You are my mate.” His voice is thick with emotion. “If I do not protect you, I am worthless.”
I shouldn’t be surprised that praxiians have some sort of strange rule about “protecting mates” because so much of what he does is because of his praxiian upbringing. Didn’t he willingly allow his family to sell him into slavery for praxiian honor? “So you think lying to me is the answer? Oh, Nassakth.” Some of my anger is ebbing away. “I know you want to protect me, but it’s important to me that I know what’s going on. I don’t like being left in the dark.”
“I understand,” he murmurs, and reaches for my cheek. I let him caress me, and for a moment I want him to pull me close and tuck me against his body, to comfort me like he always does.
But I can’t let myself get distracted by his touch. I pull back and gaze up at him. “So now that you understand how much this means to me, tell me what’s going on.”
“My sweet Kim.” Nassakth gives me a gentle look. “No.”
“What?” I can’t believe what I’m hearing.
“It is safest for you if you are left out of this entirely. I am sorry, my Kim.”
I can feel my jaw drop. “You stubborn, pig-headed jerk! I can’t believe you! I—”
Someone clears her throat extremely loudly behind us. Bethiah. I’d forgotten she was there.
I turn and glare at her. “Do you mind?”
She raises a finger in the air. “I thought now might be a good time to point out that your man paid for my help, but my silence comes extra. If he won’t tell you what’s going on, I will.”
I ignore Nassakth’s warning growl. I’m not scared of him. While I know it’s not all entirely bluster, I also know I’m safe around him. He’d never hurt me, and so I can choose to ignore it. I clutch my towel to my chest and approach the bounty hunter, who’s watching us both with a smug look on her face. “Tell me everything.”
“Of course.” Bethiah immediately puts her hand out. “Information costs credits, though.”
I give her an exasperated look and gesture at the towel I’m wearing. “I don’t have a wallet on me. I’ll pay you, though.”
“I will pay you more,” Nassakth says from behind me. “Say nothing!”
I turn to glare at him. “Are you serious?”
He straightens, giving me his most regal look. “I am sorry, my mate, but I must insist. Protecting you is all that is important.”
I can’t believe he’s being such a controlling jerk. He’s breaking my heart with this—and making me utterly furious. “So this is your plan? Bring me to your house and lock me in a bubble for the rest of my life? What’s next? Not allowing me to go to port for shopping? Not visiting friends?”
He hesitates, a grimace on his face. “Actually—”
“You are unbelievable!” I press a hand to my forehead. Part of me wants to stomp into the bedroom, pack my things, and head back to my land…except there was a bounty hunter there last night and it’s not safe. I really am trapped. Fighting back panic, I turn to look at Bethiah. “Whatever he offers you to keep you silent, I’ll offer you one credit more.”
The bounty hunter’s eyes gleam and she tosses her braids. “Now you’re talking.”
“Wait,” Nassakth says, pushing forward. “I will offer two—”
“Too late,” Bethiah sing-songs at him and hops down off the counter. She beams at me and dusts her hands on her dark-colored jumper. “Can I have another one of those meat-pockets?”
“You can have all of them, as far as I’m concerned.” I toss an angry glare at Nassakth as I pull another round of food out of the refrigeration unit and toss it into the warmer. “Just start talking.”