Page 7 of Bound
Miles Astor isn’t one of those three members who requires a firmer contract. He’s the eldest son and currently the senior executive vice-president at Astor Athletics, a company that gives every high-end sporting clothing company a run for their money in the market.
Like all members of Club X, he was introduced by another, and at the time of his membership, I knew he was a borderline case. Some dominants, on occasion , use their power, their position, their physical stature, and more to bully. He seems to have a preconceived notion that it’s simply a part of being dominant. As the old joke goes, shut up or I’ll slap you with my wallet.
He’s young and naive with much to learn.
But he showed potential, so I approved his membership with the caveat that he learn to, ironically, check his ego and be a proper Dom. He has all the physical tools, six foot two, incredibly handsome behind his mask, with powerful shoulders and a deep, commanding voice developed at Harvard.
But right now, he’s in the bar, causing a scene. I rewind one monitor quickly, seeing what happened, and grit my teeth.
He didn’t take no for an answer.
There’s one golden rule here at Club X. Submissives are submissive, yes. But that submissionmustbe earned, even if that often looks and sounds like demands from the Doms. Consentmustbe given. An unattached sub can always tell aDominant that they are no longer interested. There are always termination clauses in contracts.
And an attached sub? Touching an attached sub is grounds for, at a minimum, suspension of membership, if not expulsion or worse.
Miles didn’t go that far, but the rubber membership bracelet on the girl’s wrist specifically says that she’s an exhibitionist, the blue lefthand ring saying she’s unattached by choice. Meanwhile, Mr. Astor wears the bracelet of a full-time Dominant. He desires toown, while the submissive in question is here only for à la carte submission. I know exactly why. I know who she is and what her fears are around giving in completely. I’ve approached Monica with the offer of an auction more than once, but she’s declined. I respect her decision.
An expensive membership option, but her choice. A submissive, unless they become a slave, always has a choice. And even then, they have the choice to enter a Master-slave relationship.
I don’t have to hear the audio to understand exactly what happened. A man with a bruised ego either retreats or combusts. He made an offer, she refused. It’s as simple as that.
The screen shows Mr. Astor slamming his fist on the bar while around the room, other masked men look on in disgust. One approaches him to say something, but Miles turns on him, almost bumping chests with him and shoving him away.
My shoulders bristle with anger as I hold my breath, waiting for security to do their job and minimize the impact.
No doubt, he wants her to enter tonight’s auction.
This isn’t the first time I’ve seen pre-auction jitters affect some of the Doms. They want to hand-pick ahead of time and stake claim. It happens from time to time, although it’s not always effective. And this isn’t the first time I’ve seen Mr. Astorpush the rules of Club X. But he’s getting more brazen and poisoning the atmosphere.
That’s one thing that I cannot allow.
There’s enough conflict inherent in these men’s lives. Club X is the place where it is supposed to be set aside, where your status is established in other, subtler ways. Of course, they’re going to continue to try and prove themselves. They are individuals who insist that their will must be followed.
My will is what is followed within these walls, though.
I do my best to avoid direct conflict with my members unless necessary. These men are powerful, and if they are willing to commit to a suicidal conflict, they could use their power to destroy Club X.
But it would be mutually assured destruction, as all the members know. I hold immense power throughout not just the city, not just the state, but with members up and down this entire part of the country. I hold power with hundreds of powerful individuals, knowing their darkest secrets and kinks.
Anyone who tries to take down Club X would find themselves crushed by their fellow members. There’s always that chance, however, and before things get out of control, I reach for my phone, pressing the pound key twice. “Holden.”
“I already have eyes on the bar, Madam Lynn,”Holden says immediately without any preamble.“Would you like me to handle it?”
“Thank you.”
Holden clicks off, and I hang up my phone, my eyes on the monitor.
Holden moves as if by magic through the bar, melting through the tense crowd to appear at Miles Astor’s side from the shadows. Even with the high resolution cameras and powerful microphones in the club’s security system, I can’t make out whatHolden says to Mr. Astor, but it’s effective. Mr. Astor doesn’t look happy, but at the same time, he doesn’t cause any more of a scene as Holden escorts him out of the bar and out of the club.
With a gentle nod, the tension leaves my shoulders.Good. My to-do list is far too long to have this little moment turn into an unfortunate incident. Tonight’s auction requires my full attention, and as I stand up to leave my office, I remind myself who exactly I am to these men. I am not just their equal. I am a woman who holds all the cards, and they must abide by my rules.
As I enter the ballroom, Holden strides in, and with a lift of my chin, I summon him over. We meet at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the auction room. “Yes, Madam Lynn?”
“You handled that well,” I tell him quietly, smiling tightly as Holden’s chin lifts with pride. “Were there any complications?”
“He wasn’t very happy that he was being shown the door, but nothing I couldn’t handle,” Holden assures me. “Joshua didn’t even need to step out from behind his podium.”