Page 68 of Orc's Pride
“I’m sure they’ll be using the same techniques that they’re using on the humans. With a stone that can create portals or conduct enough magic to concentrate it to open a portal.”
“If that’s the case…” Dana mumbles. “Isn’t it safe to say that wherever they open the portal, not just the monsters they’re planning on bringing here can escape too?”
“I’m sure. That’s why all of us need to keep each other in the loop. None of the clans will be safe if those dark elves get a portal open. There are creatures on Protheka that you could only dream of in your nightmares of existing.”
Dana shudders.
“Whatever happens,” I fix Malik with a hard look. “We’ll be prepared for it.”
He smiles back at me. “And I’ll be there to help.”
As Dana and I make our way back to my home, we’re both oddly silent.
I’m sure she’s at a loss for words much like I am. With the newfound knowledge of the dark elves’ plot to destroy the orcs’ species as we know it, it’s a wonder that either of us have remained put together for this long.
She holds my hand in a tight grip as we trail along the pathway, her head tilted down to stare at the ground.
I feel horrible, having her look so worried.
“I’m going to protect you, Dana.”
She looks up at me, a frown on her face. “I know. That’s what I’m worried about.”
I stop short, confusion pulling my brows together. “Worried about me protecting you? Why?”
“I don’t want you to get hurt, Pitha.” She folds her arms around me, burying her face in my chest. “That’s why I’m worried. Because I know the second I look like I’m in danger, you’ll rush right out onto the battlefield to try and save me.”
“You’re exactly right.”
Her body tenses against mine.
I sigh, brushing my hand over her hair. “Dana, you are my mate. I will do anything that I can to make sure you are kept safe. Even if I need to lay my own life down in order to do so.”
When she lifts her head up from my chest, there are tears shimmering in her eyes. “I don’t want you to die on me.”
“I know. But I’d rather it be my life than yours.”
She sniffles softly, a tear falling down her cheek that I easily catch with the pad of my thumb. “Can you promise me something?”
“Please try to be safe and make it back to me. I know that you’re expected to walk out onto the battlefield with no cares but I need you, Pitha. If you die, I…”
Her voice cracks.
I cup her cheeks. “I love you to the ends of this earth, Dana. I will always come back to you, Even if it’s on a summer’s breeze or as a shooting star in the night sky. I will always be there, even if you can’t see me.”
She swallows, sniffling once more. “That’s a really beautiful thing to say.”
I laugh softly. “It’s the truth. No matter where I or you go, we will always be connected somehow, somewhere.”
A soft smile graces her lips. “That sounds nice.”
“It does, doesn't it?”
She hugs me again, sighing softly against my chest. “I love you, Pitha.”
That has me smiling. I will never tire of hearing those words. She could say them to me over and over again until we are both old and gray and still I’ll want to hear them one more time uttered from her lips.