Page 53 of The Dark Elf's Secret Baby
I lead the three of us down to a bigger cabin that can fit us all and we get settled again. “So, I had dinner with my parents yesterday,” I tell her.
“Oh?” she raises an eyebrow.
“They were all their usual selves. I told them about us. They were shocked and my father was angry. But the good news is that my brother Salnath was supportive.”
“I remember you talking about him!” Layla says. “How is he?”
“He’s mated now,” I tell her. “Her name is Ursalah. I’ve not spent a lot of time around her but she’s always been quite lovely. Also, she’s pregnant. They’re having a girl.”
“Jasper is going to have a cousin?” she asks.
“Yes,” I turn to my son, who’s playing with his stuffed toy on the bed. “Did you hear that, bub? You’re going to have a cousin!”
“Cousin?” he asks, scrunching his nose up in confusion.
“Yeah, it’s like a best friend for life,” I tell him. “I hope they will be best friends, anyway. I don’t think Salnath would keep them apart.”
“That’s exciting,” Layla grins. “A whole family. Wow. Well, maybe not your parents.”
“Don’t worry about father,” I tell her. “I won’t let him harm a hair on your head. No matter what he throws at us, I’ll be prepared. I stood up at dinner and told them all off. Said if they tried to hurt you I’d kill them.”
Layla gasps.
“But I don’t think it will come to that. Actually, I think mother might come around quickly. She will probably be easy to bribe once she sees Jasper. She’s going to love him.”
“I’m glad,” she says, holding my hand in hers. “Will we be able to see my family again soon?”
“I don’t want you to worry about a thing anymore,” I tell her. “My job as a Lieutenant comes with a high salary. You can live a good life now. You can go back and visit your family any time you want. We can even help them move to the continent if they want. I can find them better work than in a mining village.”
“You would do that for me?” she asks, eyes wide.
“I’d do anything for you,” I tell her seriously, leaning down to kiss her forehead. “You mean the world to me. Your family is my family now. I can help your cousin find a job as a seamstress, or perhaps a governess if she wants. I’ll make sure that you and everyone you care about are happy.”
“You’re incredible,” Layla says. “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. When do you want to have the mating ceremony?”
“As soon as possible?” I suggest.
“Well, what about in...a month?” she offers. “That gives us enough time to set up our new lives in Vhoig and plan a ceremony.”
“Sounds good,” I say, glancing down to see that Jasper is listening. “Little pitchers have big ears,” I nudge her.
“You and Daddy gonna get mated?” he asks curiously.
“That’s right!” Layla says, scooping him up and putting him on her lap. “Me and Daddy are going to be mated and you’re going to help us out. You’ll get a big role in the ceremony. I bet you can handle it, can’t you bub?”
“I can do anything!” Jasper says excitedly. “Look!”
He closes his eyes and two white pavo appear in the air above us, circling around. They’re tiny and their beautiful song fills the air. “Wow!” I exclaim. “You’re so good at magic!”
I’m so excited that I can share my gift with my son now. That I can be with the woman I love and have a family. Maybe even more children someday.
Everything is perfect now that I have Layla.
The Orthani king is throwing a fit that we’re having a public human-dark elf mating ceremony in Vhoig but I can’t be arsed to care.