Page 26 of The Dark Elf's Secret Baby
My heart stops still in my chest, and I am overwhelmed with disbelief. I blink a number of times, trying to clear my vision because I must be hallucinating.
But after a long, drawn out minute, I decide I might not be. And even though I can’t wrap my head around it, that doesn’t change the fact that I am staring at the new Lieutenant.
He’s tall with long, black hair tied back in a loose bun. Whisps break free and tear around his face, drawing my focus to the bright violet eyes that are staring at me.
I take one step in his direction, unable to process it.
Because it’s the reason I left Horizon. It’s the reason I came here. It’s the reason I have Jasper.
It’s Kerym.
Is that her? I push my way through the crowd, squinting across the pier. My heart lurches in my chest. It is her. It can’t be. She should be dead, according to her paperwork!
But my eyes aren’t playing tricks on me. It really is Layla. My heart soars at the sight of her. She looks so beautiful, and healthy!
I can’t stop staring. I drink in the sight, realizing with a smile that she hasn’t changed much. Maybe a little leaner, a little tanner than the last time I saw her but she looks mostly the same.
I’m so focused on her that I don’t even notice anything else around us until I see her bend down and scoop something up into her arms.
My heart freezes when she stands up again. I can’t hear what she’s saying but she’s got a child in her arms and it seems like she’s scolding him for running off. She’s got him on her hip now.
A child?
Is it hers?
It has to be. The way she holds him, the way he looks at her...that’s her child. I stare, taking them in. It’s a boy. He’s got tan skin—dark, just like Layla but his features are sharper than the average human. His hair is dark and his ears are clearly pointed.
He turns a little and I catch a glimpse of his eyes—violet.
Like mine.
My heart is hammering so hard in my chest I fear it may just burst out. Is that my child? My son? I can’t speak. My throat feels closed off. I can’t even breathe.
His eyes look just like mine. Did she know about him before she left? Is that why she left? A thousand emotions are all competing inside me for attention. Fear, excitement, anger, disbelief, worry, anxiety, hope...just to name a few.
He looks just like her. But he looks a lot like me too. I can’t stop staring at them, at the sight of the small child in her arms. He’s no more than a toddler, just a baby, really. He’s chatting her ear off now, telling her some story and pointing at the ship.
She looks up and our eyes lock. The two of us are frozen, staring at each other. I don’t know what to do, or what to say. I can’t get a single word out right now. Before I can come up with something though, Layla spurs into action, grabbing the child tightly in her arms before all but sprinting off the pier, disappearing into the sea of people around the docks.
I have to go after her. I can’t let her get away. I have so many questions. I have to know if that’s my son.
Just as I’m about to follow, the overseer grabs my attention, interrupting my thoughts.
“Sir!” he says and I turn to look at him. My expression must still seem shocked because he stands up straighter and grins, self-importance radiating off him. “You should really let me guide you. The islands can be quite confusing for a newcomer, Lieutenant.”
I hear the parts he’s left out.And I want to steer you away from the embarrassing humans.
The title makes me snap back to attention. If I shirk my duties, it will draw suspicion. And the last thing I need is for anyone to question my abilities when I’ve finally achieved the station I’ve been working so hard for. So I let Iheru lead me off the pier and down the docks, towards the dark elf officer quarters.
I have work to do. I know that once I’m done, I can track down Layla and find out what’s going on but until then, I have to get to work.