Page 6 of Tempting the Hijacker
“Shut up!” he hisses before spinning around to face me. Suddenly, I realize just how enormous this man is. His black head brushes the lavatory ceiling, and his broad shoulders practically touch each side of the small cube. And yet I’m here, locked in with him? I swallow thickly as those blue eyes skim my form, taking in every luscious curve. What the hell? What am I thinking? But sure enough, this man is incredibly handsome, even if he’s insane.
His dark hair hangs in his face, no longer tidy, and those blue eyes flare with heated arousal. The man has a strong nose and a sharp jawline, and plump, almost sensuous lips that are criminal. And again, he’shuge. He towers over my crouched form, and Christ, but he’s blocking out all the light.
But I have to keep my wits about me and slowly make to stand, straightening out my short skirt.
“What is it that you want?” I ask in a fairly steady tone. “What can I do for you?”
He snorts rudely.
“Shut up.”
But that makes me angry.
“No,” I say in a firm voice. “I won’t shut up. You’re waving around a gun and threatening people, and for what? Why are you doing this? What do you want? Money? Gold? Jewels? I don’t know, some secret passcode to Fort Knox? I’m sure we can get it for you, but first, you need to calm down.”
He stares at me, those blue eyes burning bright.
“Don’t tell me what to do,” he growls, raising the gun again and I jump. Then, I quickly hold my hands up in an effort to appease him once more.
“Okay, I get it. I’m just saying that whatever you’re looking for, I’m sure we can find a way to get it to you. But what it is? Why are you doing this? I swear, I’ll do anything you want so long as you keep things calm.”
The man pauses for a moment, thinking as that azure gaze traces over my curves. I know what I look like. My hair’s probably a mess and my cheeks are flushed from all the excitement, but my body is my body. The big Double Ds are huge and luscious beneath the white fabric, my nipples prominent. My skirt hem has ridden up, showing off lengths of creamy thigh, and the hijacker’s gaze flares with heat then. Oh shit, oh shit. Is this going where I think it’s going?
Sure enough, he lowers his gun then.
“So you’ll do whatever I want, huh?” he rasps in a low and silky tone. Despite the dangerous situation, a hot shiver runs down my spine as my pupils dilate. My pussy clenches a bit, even as I berate myself.What are you doing?the voice in my head screams.You can’t be attracted to him because this is the worst possible time to be turned on.But then again, the hijacker is godawful handsome and as I watch, a lazy smile crosses his lips.
“Y-yes, I’ll do whatever you want,” I murmur breathlessly, my breath hitching in my throat. Then, the man lets out a low chuckle as he places the gun on the small bathroom counter.
“So what does that include?” he drawls, stepping closer to me. If anything, my nipples harden even further, and the hijacker growls while watching them pebble.
“Um,” I hedge, trembling in place. “Maybe a kiss? Or two?”
He smiles again, flashing even white teeth. My heart is pounding so loudly that I can barely see or hear anything but the man in front of me. In fact, I’m starting to feel a little lightheaded, and it’s insane because it’s because ofhim. Maybe it’s the addictive smell of his cologne, musky and masculine, or the intense feeling ofneedthat courses through my veins stronger than it ever has before. Yet, what am I thinking? This man is a hijacker, and I’m trapped in a small lavatory with him, for crying out loud!
Yet my body is shaking with need and I watch with wide eyes as he unzips his pants, revealing his member. OMG, what is he doing? Even more, his cock is huge and my jaw drops open upon seeing the anaconda. It’s literally nine inches in length, and as thick as a Coke bottle at its base. The tip is slippery and slick with need, and as I stare, a bead of pre-come pearls at the top, making my mouth water.
“I’d like a kiss,” he intones in a deep voice, those blue eyes flashing. “But a very special type of kiss, sweetheart. Are you ready to deliver?”
I know I should be screaming. I should run for the hills, or at least bang on the lavatory door and insist that the flight crew let me out. But before I realize it, I’ve dropped bonelessly to my knees in front of this man, my plush pout dropping open.
“I’m happy to provide that kiss,” I whisper. “Like I said, anything you want.”
A low hum thrums in his chest as those blue eyes darken.
“Good, baby girl. Let’s see what your kisses feel like. Suck it, sweetheart,” his voice is low, and surprisingly gentle, yet commanding as he grips the base of his shaft and pierces me with those blue eyes. I know I should feel humiliated because I’m literally being forced to provide a sexual favor to this strange man, and yet I want it too. I stare upwards into that handsome face, gingerly taking hold of the base of his cock and then gasp. OMG, he’s so huge that my fingers can’t even wrap around the enormous rod. Will it fit in my mouth?
“Suck,” he rasps again, that azure gaze fixed on my curvy form. “You won’t know until you try, baby girl. Now do it.”
With that, the hijacker pushes my head forward as I open my mouth as wide as possible, my lips stretching around his cock as it sinks deep inside of my mouth. Only a quarter fits before I begin choking and gagging, but the hijacker’s relentless as he pushes in even more.
“That’s right,” he croons. “Fuck, you look good like this.”
He edges more of that dark red dragon down my throat before pulling my head away. I cough and sputter for a moment, tears spurting into my eyes as he runs his fingers through my tousled brown curls.
“You’re doing great, sweetheart,” he croons. “Now, let’s try again.”
The thick helmet presses at my lips once more and I open immediately, dying to taste his flavor. This time, it goes down a little easier, and the hijacker’s insistent. He holds my head in place, forcing me to take inch after inch of his length, his balls rising with arousal as I strain.