Page 20 of Tempting the Hijacker
“She’s heavier than she looks,” Clement snarls, and I cry out as he shakes me so hard that my head snaps back and forth like a rag doll. “Fucking fat bitch!”
Rage suffuses my form, and if anything, his words only cause me to struggle even more, but it’s no use. I’m hauled indoors somewhere, and then set down in an ungainly heap on a cold cement floor. In fact, the entire room is freezing, like they have the A/C on max even though it’s a relatively chilly night.
“Mpphph!” I scream again, writhing on the floor. At least the two goons respond and undo my hood while ripping off the gag. I lie on the floor, panting with my hands tied behind me.
“You fuckers!” is my scream. “Ranger will save me!”
But as my eyes adjust, I realize that Ranger will never find us here. After all, we’re in some sort of basement-like structure with concrete floors and walls. We’re literally in a cold, gray box, totally devoid of furniture. There are no windows either, and the only electricity comes from a single bulb dangling from the ceiling.
“Where are we?” I shriek, still struggling like a dying fish on the floor. “I swear, Ranger will kick your asses when he gets here!”
But it’s no use, and my two captors only snort with derision while staring down at my prone form.
“Are you serious?” Sam hisses as he nudges my waist with one booted foot. “That fuckface is no air marshal. Hell, he’s a rich boy who wants to play cops and robbers so yeah, I say he’s forfeited his prize.”
“What prize?” I demand. “What are you talking about?”
Sam and Clement share a look before shrugging.
“The prize is you, of course,” Clement drawls, already beginning to undo his pants. “What did you think? There’s no way that fucker gets to fuck a beautiful hostage during a hostage situation, and then walks away scot-free afterwards. I mean, that was a sick reward for his crappy work, while we slave away for pennies, right?”
“Yeah,” Sam grunts, also undoing his pants. “What the fuck? That asshole should be in jail. All the women on my flights are grannies or just plain ugly ass bitches. Meanwhile, that fucker gotyou.”
Then, both men reveal their peckers, and pecker really is the right word because their penises can’t be more than three inches each. They’re slim too, with the diameters of a pencil or maybe a magic marker at best. But the two men fist themselves, practically cackling with anticipation before Clement reaches over and rips my dress until my breasts are exposed.
“Oooh yeah, look at those titties,” he moans, palming the tiny worm in his hand. “Mmm, that’s our reward for putting up with so much crap. I can’t wait to fuck those titties.”
I’m frozen with horror as Sam leans forward to haul my dress hem up until it’s bunched up around my waist.
“Shit, no panties?” he crows. “We’ve got a slut with us, bro. Check out that nasty little pussy. It’s probably diseased but you know what? I don’t give a fuck. I’m fucking that tiny twat until she passes out.”
Then, Sam leans over me, his filthy hands creeping up my thighs until his palm rests over my sensitive mound. I squeeze my eyes shut, which is the only thing I really can do, as his fingers begin to explore my entrance. Of course, I’m dry as bone and it feels like I’m being touched by a hairy spider as he rubs along my folds.
Meanwhile, Clement leans over my head, his fetid beer breath fanning over my face as he begins fondling my exposed breasts. Oh shit, oh shit. This is really happening. I’m prone on the ground with my hands painfully tied behind my back as these men touch and stroke my secret places. I’m going to be sick!
But then, a loud crack makes my eyes snap open. Could it be? Thank god it is because my lover stands in the doorway, having just kicked open the door. Ranger looks like an avenging god with his blue eyes stormy and his expression fierce. Even more, he’s got a gun in his hand that he swings around to point straight at Sam and Clement.
The two idiots jump away from me, fumbling to get their equipment tucked back into their pants as I squeeze my legs together in an effort at modesty.
“This isn’t what it looks like,” Sam exclaims, looking about desperately for his own firearm. However, it’s nowhere in sight because the bumbling idiot probably left it in the van.
“I swear, she wanted it,” Clement pleads, still trying to tuck his pecker back into his fly. “You know she’s a slut! She had sex with you when she thought you were a hijacker! This is exactly up her alley!”
But that only makes Ranger even more angry. He literally growls then, those broad shoulders flexing as he tosses his weapon aside.
“You fuckers are going to regret doing this for the rest of your lives!” he rages before lunging at them, that massive form moving at light speed. Then I scream because the men are tumbling around the concrete floor, fists flying in a blur as Ranger takes on our antagonists. Oh god, it’s two against one, and Sam and Clement look like they work out too. Maybe their peckers are small, but their muscles bulge from regular exercise. Will Ranger survive? Or were we doomed before this even began?
Seeing Sydney lying on the dirty floor with a terrified look in those big brown eyes made me angrier than I’ve ever been before in my life. Even worse, Sam and Clement had their cocks out as they brayed and laughed, touching my sweet girl’s secret spots. I watched for a split second as Sydney’s eyes closed, her expression one of indescribable agony and terror.
But now, all hell’s broken loose as I take out my rage on these two assholes. What the fuck do they think they’re doing, stroking my woman like this? Clement’s head flies back as I clock him, and then I punch Sam as well, knocking out a tooth as spittle sprays to the ground in a wet arc.
“Ranger!” Sydney screams, wriggling on the floor now. I want to untie the sweet girl and hold her close, but first things first. These assholes need to learn a lesson because they can’t just stroll off after what they put Sydney through.
Then again, I understand their pain in some ways. After all, it must have hurt to see me walk away from the hijacking experience without a scratch. Of course, I’d been fired, but the TSA decided not to seek criminal charges, meaning that I wasn’t going to go to jail. That must have struck them as flat out wrong, and they’re clearly seething with resentment.