Page 16 of Tempting the Hijacker
“Yeah, but I can tell the sex must be amazing because you’re practically glowing,” she says in a dry tone as I giggle, fluffing out my hair while leaning forward to check my make-up.
“I can’t lie, it reallyisincredible. Ranger is insanely commanding in the bedroom, but I actually like it. I get tossed around like a rag doll, and you can bet he leaves me achy and filled to the brim with his seed each and every time.”
“Oooh!” Clara squeals. “You’re so bad!”
I nod.
“But that’s not it, Clara. Honestly, it isn’t just the sex that has me glowing. It’s the way Ranger treats me too. He’s kind and generous, and insanely smart as well. Did I mention that he’s the CEO of a consulting company?”
She nods.
“You did, and it’s good to hear that he’s treating you right,” she murmurs. “Sometimes, CEOs can be egomaniacs because of their jobs, but I’m glad Ranger’s not like that.”
“He’s definitely not,” I affirm. “Don’t get me wrong because this guy is an alpha male, but he can also be really sweet and funny. Plus, he’s a good cook, did I mention?”
Clara stares at me, her brown eyes confused.
“Don’t tell me he’s cooking for you. I thought you said he has a staff.”
“He does, he does!” I exclaim while laughing. “But my man knows his way around the stove, and sometimes he likes to get creative. Of course, he doesn’t do anything serious like bouillabaisse or filet mignon. That’s left to the staff, definitely. But Ranger gets up early and makes breakfast most mornings, so yeah, I’ve gotten a bellyful of waffles, pancakes, and muffins. This guy can bake, Clara. He’s one of a kind.”
My buddy giggles then.
“Baking, seriously?”
I nod.
“Yep. Ranger can make cakes, pies, and he says he can even do a strawberry cheesecake with buttercream frosting. I look forward to that,” I wink.
Clara sighs.
“Omg, you’re so lucky,” she says. “I would totally be falling in love because he sounds like the ultimate catch: the billionaire bad boy who also cooks like a dream. Who knew that even existed?”
That makes me frown a bit.
“Yeah, but that’s not supposed to happen,” I reprimand. “I’m a working girl, remember? We don’t fall in love no matter how amazing the client is.”
Clara nods, still swooning a bit while looking off into the distance.
“Yes, but how can you control your emotions?” she sighs again while looking dreamy. “I know that I wouldn’t be able to.”
That just makes me frown once more because it’s my job to control my emotions. Our clients pay a pretty penny to savor our curves while engaging in a bit of light conversation, but we all know how it ends. I’ll have a fat pocketbook when our tryst is done, and my bank account will thank me for it.
Yet is that what’s happening? Somehow, this rendezvous with Ranger feels a little different. It’s partly because he started off as my hijacker, but it’s also because we get along so well. I’ve been with men in the past who couldn’t string two sentences together, or even worse, only wanted to talk about themselves for hours at a time.
But then, my train of thought is cut off when a pair of strong arms encircle my waist. I gasp, letting out an embarrassing screech as I squirm around to look at a smirking Ranger. He grins, those blue eyes glittering with mischief.
“When did you get back?” I murmur. “I didn’t hear you come in! How did you get upstairs without me hearing you?”
“So many questions,” he chuckles. “And not even a ‘welcome home’ kiss from my best girl.”
“Un-oh, sounds like that’s my cue to leave,” Clara sings from the phone screen. “Call me back when you get a free moment. Later lovebirds!” she waves before pressing disconnect so that the screen goes dark.
With that, I giggle as I squirm around for the requisite kiss. I peck Ranger on the lips, but then he wraps his strong arms around my waist to pull me closer and tilts his head to deepen the kiss. My body responds to him before my brain can even catch up, and I open my mouth, pressing my breasts up against his chest before I finally come to my senses.
“None of that!” I giggle while admonishing him playfully. “I have to finish getting ready so we can leave.”
He smirks.