Page 72 of Control Me
“I’ll never allow anyone to hurt you again. I’ll fucking kill for you, Abigail.” I pull her back so I can see her eyes as I vow, “You are mine, and I am yours. You’ll always be safe in my arms.”
There’s so much worry tightening her features when she asks, “What if I can never be intimate again?”
Jesus Christ.
“Baby,” I breathe, “don’t worry about that.”
“But…” her eyebrows draw together, her expression heartbreaking, “you deserve a woman who can give you everything.”
My eyes bore into her, willing her to hear every word as I say, “You. Are. My. Everything.” I shake my head hard. “You, Abigail.”
Her eyes drift closed. “I’m not the woman you fell in love with.”
“Open your eyes and look at me, baby.” It takes a moment before she obeys. “You are and always will be the woman I fell in love with.” I brush a tender hand over her hair. “You still drive me fucking insane.”
She lets out a burst of laughter, a look of wonder chasing the horror from her soft brown eyes. “You’re incredible.”
Not wanting her to worry about us, I say, “You have complete control over our relationship. I’ll never take anything you’re not comfortable giving.”
The way she’s looking at me, as if I’m her entire world, heals the cracks in my heart.
“Thank you. I needed to hear that.” She relaxes in my arms, resting her head against my shoulder. “You always seem to say exactly what I need to hear.”
I press a kiss to her forehead, then murmur, “Get some rest,moya lyubov'. I’ll watch over you.”
I’ll fight your demons and keep your nightmares at bay.
So help me, God, I’ll find a way to help you heal. You’ll laugh again. You’ll be carefree again.
If it’s the last thing I do.
Chapter 28
There’s something freeing about sharing your pain with another person.
Especially if that person is Nikolai Vetrov.
The weight on my shoulders isn’t as heavy anymore. Since I told Nikolai I was raped, he’s only left my side to use the bathroom.
During the last couple of days at St. Monarch’s, I was at every combat class he had to give. I got a peek behind the scenes of St. Monarch’s, watching as he dealt with active and closed contracts. I sat in on meetings between him and Director Koslov. I overheard business and private calls.
Nikolai didn’t lie when he said I’d never leave his side.
As the private jet lands on the Vetrovs’ island, my stomach spins with nerves. The entire criminal world knows not to fuck with a Vetrov. Not if you want to stay alive.
Nikolai’s father, Damien Vetrov, is the best custodian St. Monarch’s has ever produced. I heard he was meant to be Director Koslov’s custodian back when he was still an assassin, but a marriage was arranged between Damien and Winter.
Nikolai’s mother, Winter, was nicknamed the blood princess, and she’s known to be ruthless.
Jesus, I’m going to have a nervous breakdown.
Only Aurora knows I’ll be here for a week. I didn’t dare tell my parents. Not that my mother would care. She’s never sober enough to worry about me.
My father, on the other hand, will probably shit himself. Even though there’s a tentative truce between him and thebratva, I’m sure he would disapprove of my relationship with Nikolai.
Bitterness swirls in my heart because my father hasn’t even taken the time to ask whether I’m okay after the ambush.