Page 64 of Control Me
“I’ll wait until you’re ready to tell me what happened,” I assure her.
Neither of us moves, and I’m surprised when her breaths even out. I glance down and see that she’s fallen asleep.
Now that she’s calm and getting some rest, anger pours into my chest.
The fuckers who hurt her can be glad Alek killed them. Christ, what I’d give to reach into the pits of hell so I can yank them out and torture them for all of eternity.
Abigail snuggles against my chest, a sigh escaping her lips.
I’ve got you, my love. I promise to protect you from this day forward. I’ll kill anyone who tries to harm a hair on your head.
“I love you, Abigail,” I whisper. “Christ, I love you so much. You’ve crawled beneath my skin and dug your way into my heart. There’s no getting you out.” I press another kiss to her hair before I stare at her sleeping face.
The last of the bruises are fading, and soon there’ll be no sign of them.
I’ve avoided relationships because I didn’t want anyone messing with my perfectly constructed life, and now I want Abigail to mess up every part of it.
I want her clothes scattered in my bedroom. Her hair blocking my drain. Her toothpaste in my sink. I want to be able to look around my house and see signs of her everywhere.
With my mouth pressed against her hair, I inhale her scent deep into my lungs.
But I know she’s not ready, and I’ll be patient. I’ll wait forever for her if that’s what it takes.
‘First, they crawl beneath your skin, and before you know it, your entire fucking world revolves around them.’
Dad’s words echo through my mind, and the corner of my mouth curves up.
He was right.
My entire world revolves around Abigail.
Careful not to wake her, I stand up and carry her to my bed. I place her on the mattress before taking her sneakers off her feet.
Grabbing the shirt behind my neck, I pull the fabric over my head while I walk to the ensuite closet. I take off the cargo pants,and when I have a comfortable pair of sweatpants on, I head into the bathroom to brush my teeth.
Finally, I switch off all the lights and crawl into bed beside Abigail, gently drawing her into my arms.
It feels right.
This is where she belongs – with me.
As if Abigail agrees with my thoughts, she snuggles against my side and throws her leg across mine. Her arm wraps around my waist, then a contented sigh escapes her again.
I brush my fingers through her silky hair, and closing my eyes, I let out a satisfied sigh of my own.
Yes, this is where you belong. In my arms.
Chapter 26
It takes me a couple of minutes to wake up. I can’t remember when last I slept so soundly.
I hear Nikolai’s heart steadily beating beneath my ear. I feel his skin against my palm and cheek.
I’m sprawled over his body, feeling rested and calm.
Just how powerful is this man that he can even keep my nightmares at bay?