Page 2 of Control Me
If it weren’t for Anja, I never would’ve been married. I’m too fucking busy taking over the family business from my parents. My sister, Inna, married young and has two children who can carry on our family’s legacy, so it’s not something I’m worried about.
Honestly, I’ve never met a woman who piqued my interest enough to give up my bachelor's status. I enjoy being a lone wolf and don’t want to change a single thing in my life.
Turning into a hallway, I notice Abigail and Aurora walking ahead of me before I enter the studio where the training takes place.
Seconds later, I’m not surprised when I hear whispering outside the door and soft footsteps coming into the room.
Turning around, I watch the two women with annoyance building in my chest. Aurora keeps a safe distance, whereas Abigail comes closer with too much curiosity in her soft brown eyes.
Christ, just what I need. Another socialite who thinks she’s the one who will be able to make me bend the knee to love and marriage.
Little do they know I have zero intention of giving up my freedom for a woman.
My gaze flicks over the length of her, taking in her youthful curves and beautiful features. I’m not going to pretend I don't notice how stunning the woman is, but that’s where it ends.
“Are you a guard?” she asks while giving me a seductive look that would have most men falling at her feet. Then she waves a hand over her perfect frame. “Because this body needs some guarding.”
Jesus. Christ.
What the actual fuck?
Honestly, I’m partly caught off guard because she’s so direct and partly dying a little from how cringeworthy this is.
“Seriously?” Aurora hisses, clearly embarrassed by her friend.
My eyes narrow on Abigail as I take a step closer until there are only a couple of inches between us. Locking eyes with her, I see the infatuation dilating her pupils.
I’ve dealt with this many times in my life – women taking an interest in me, but nine out of ten times, I have zero interest in reciprocating. The few who make it to my bed are only there for a couple of fucks. I’m always upfront about this.
Crossing my arms over my chest, I don’t even try to hide my irritation as I mutter, “Miss Sartori, I hope you’ll show the same enthusiasm in my class.”
I watch as shock flutters over her face. “What class?”
The corner of my mouth lifts in a smirk as I say, “I’m Nikolai Vetrov.” Her eyes widen at hearing my name. “Your combat instructor for the next four years.”
I’m exaggerating by saying four years, but she doesn’t need to know I’m only temporarily filling the position.
A variety of emotions flit over her gorgeous features, everything from uncertainty to fear.
I take another step closer to the little girl I’ve managed to stun speechless. “I’m going to make you sweat, and trust me when I say you’ll hate every second of it.”
Abigail is still shocked out of her mind, but Aurora recovers enough to stammer, “We apologize for the intrusion.”
Aurora grabs hold of a stunned Abigail’s hand and drags her out of the room.
I’m just about to savor the moment of victory when I hear Abigail sigh, “I’m in love.”
Shaking my head, I mutter, “God help me.”
Putting aside the fact that her father is enemies with both the bratva and Italian mafia, the girl is twenty-one and too young for my liking. An eighteen-year age gap is pushing the limits for me.
I head to the back of the room, where gym equipment is spread out, and start with my warm-ups. My next class is a group of fourth-year attendees who can actually fight, which is good because it’s fun sparring with them.
While I’m jogging on the treadmill, my thoughts turn to work. There’s a meeting with prospective diamond sellers in Congo I’m worried about. I hate meeting with new sellers. Most of the time, it doesn’t end well for one of the parties.
With Inna being a mother, I wish I could make her stay at home and let me handle the dangerous meetings, but I know that won’t easily happen. My sister is just as involved in the family business as I am. With her being my second in charge, there’s no way I can keep her away from the dangers of our world.
It’s one of the reasons the mafia princesses and socialites get on my nerves. My sister is as badass as my mother, and it’s setthe bar high for any romantic interests that might come into my life.