Page 19 of Control Me
“Just in case there’s a misunderstanding, I don’t give a fuck about you. I’m going for Misha.”
As the server arrives with some of the food, Armani stands up and gestures for Alek to switch seats with him.
Thank God for small mercies. I might not trust Armani as far as I can throw him, but at least he doesn’t look as unhinged as Alek.
When the server sets my plate of calamari down in front of me, Armani steals a piece.
Trying to be civil with at least one of Misha’s friends, I smile at Armani. “Help yourself.”
I don’t know what happens, but the next second, Aurora whispers, “Armani’s not her type. Relax.”
Laughter explodes from me as I shake my head. “Yeah, he’s a little too young for me.”
Alek leans forward to glance at me. “Armani’s older than you, woman.”
Jesus, help me with this man.
“First, stop calling mewoman. I have a name. Second, he’s too young by at least ten years,” I snap at Alek. To bring my point across, I gesture to where Nikolai is sitting. “That’s the kind of man I’m interested in.”
Misha glances at me. “I thought you hated him.”
“Nah, it’s a love-hate relationship.” I pop a piece of calamari into my mouth and eat, even though I’d much rather be anywhere else than at this table.
“Does Nikolai know he’s in a relationship with you?” Alek asks, his tone biting.
Asshole. Seriously, the guy is giving me the creeps.
Misha lets out a sigh, and it has Alek shrugging, “I’m just asking a question.”
“I didn’t say we’re dating,” I mutter before stabbing my fork into another piece of calamari.
“Interesting fact,” Armani says. “Did you know Nikolai was married?”
Every thought in my brain comes to a sudden stop as I gasp, “What?”
“His wife died days after they got married. She had a heart problem. Word is he hasn’t looked at another woman since.”
Holy shit.
My mouth is hanging open as I stare at Armani.
“Oh wow, that’s so tragic,” Aurora murmurs.
“Yeah, unless he’s here, he’s at home with his family,” Alek adds. “The man doesn’t let anyone in. I can understand why.”
Glancing over my shoulder, I look at Nikolai where he’s sitting alone at a table. My heart twists in my chest, and suddenly I see him in a whole new light. I’ve been giving the man hell, and he’s mourning the loss of his wife.
Damn, don’t I feel like shit now.
Needing to talk about something else, I ask, “What time are we leaving on Saturday?”
“Ten?” Aurora looks at Misha to check that it’s okay with him.
“Ten works,” He replies.
My appetite is totally gone from learning Nikolai was married and lost his wife.
I’ll definitely have to ease up on him and rather focus solely on my training.