Page 58 of My Best Friend's Billionaire Brother
Five years later
The Seattle nightsky was bright with fireworks. We all watched from the terrace as the loud booms and claps held us captive.
Quinn came out holding baby Luna. She was just like her older brother, Aiden, who loved the sky. Aiden jumped up and down with each new boom. Luna cooed at the colorful display. Lucy and Drayven joined us outside, too.
“Where’s Ava?” asked Aiden, searching for his cousin.
Lucy bent down to hug her little nephew. “She’s a little scared of being this high up here. She’s inside with grandma Muriel, little man.”
“Hmm, sounds like someone else I know.” I gave Drayven a shove, and he pushed me back unnecessarily hard.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said, ducking back inside.
“You two really do act like brothers.” Quinn chuckled.
“Still a sensitive subject,” I said shrugging him off.
Lucy turned to Quinn and Luna. “How’s my sweet girl!” She played with Luna’s tiny baby
hands. “You guys make really cute babies,” she said, turning to me.
I looked inside and saw Jax walking in with the box I asked him to bring.
“He’s here,” I told Quinn as I headed inside.
“You got the goods?” I asked him.
“Sure do, boss.” He set the box on the table.
“Are they here?” Asked Muriel holding hands with little Ava coming out of the theater.
“Yep,” I said, winking at her. “You ladies ready?”
Ava clapped with excitement and her little brown curls bounced into her face. It was the only thing that got her to go outside the penthouse terrace.
“All right, everyone, let’s head out to the terrace,” I said loudly.
Evelyn was at the fridge grabbing the sparkling ciders to ring in the new year. She had been sober since leaving Dominic and taking over the company as the new CEO of Globelink, now called the Vanguard Group after her maiden name.
Dominic tried to flee the country, but with the team Drayven and Jax set up to find him, they were able to track him down, and he was serving life in federal prison. The drive for money and power had been the ruin of him. But it wasn’t just him. Wealllearned from his mistakes.
Money and power meant nothing if you ended up alone.
We brought the box out.
“I’ve got the lighters,” said Muriel.
“I’ve got the cider,” said Evelyn.
“Where’s Grandpa Tom?” asked Ava. “We can’t start without him!”
“Did somebody ask for a grandpa?” Tom said poking his head through the sliding door.
“You made it!” Muriel beamed.
“Just in time.” He gave her a kiss. “Dahlia’s is doing great. Jerri and Abigail send their love.”
Jax lowered the music so we could all hear each other better.