Page 11 of Playing Dirty
“Don’t give a fuck about a tie, a suit, any piece of furniture. Having that memory seared to my mind, it’d be fucking worth it.” I lift my head, letting her see the truth in my facial expression.
“Duly noted. Maybe next time?” she questions. Her hair is a mess, from both of our hands, and I’m thinking I’ve met my match in every way possible. I dip my head, having dropped to my knees along the way.
“Definitely. Feet flat on the mattress, Nessa.” I help her situate herself until her thighs are spread open, heels touching her ass, opening her up for my view. I flick my tongue along her slit, my hands on her inner thighs making it impossible to close them as I take my first taste. A groan leaves me. After waking up, feeling her pussy on my body, her heat, and smelling her scent, I’ve got her right where I want her, open and willing. I drag my tongue down to her entrance, pushing inside, drinking right from the goddamn source. It’s liquid fire to my tongue. One taste will never be enough. Fuck holding back. I’m going to take and take until there’s no more left.
“Oh God, right there.” I open my eyes, having closed them to enjoy my time with Nessa and her perfect pussy. One of her hands cups the back of my head, pushing me closer, while the other hand is working her nipple, her head thrown back, eyes closed, chest heaving with each breath. I redouble my efforts. The edge of my teeth rasps over clit. I take my hand off one of her shapely thighs, my thumb gathering the wetness and traveling down until it’s at that forbidden entrance as my mouth works the rest of her.
“Parker, Parker.” My name is a prayer leaving her lips, one where I’m her god. My thumb slides in, barely, and I feel her pussy clench down on my tongue. A flood of wetness leaves her body, and I don’t stop until she comes down from her orgasm. My fucking cock is rock hard, ready to slide inside Vanessa.
“You ready for me, baby?” I ask, using her thigh to clean my face, placing a kiss as I do so before standing up. She slowly sits up, not responding. The hunger in her eyes tells me all I need to know. She drops her legs over the edge of the bed, I grab the condom that’s on top of the nightstand, making a fast job of it with her Nessa’s body is yearning for more. The second I’m sheathed her hand is wrapping around my length, taking over, tongue lapping at the tip, and she’s rocking my whole damn world.
We didn’t leaveParker’s house at all, let alone his bed, after he gave me not one but two orgasms with his mouth. Then it was my turn to make him come. I did just that with my mouth and hand, his body locked tight as I used every trick in my book to make him come hard and fast. I was annoyed when he pulled me off his cock when he started to come, until he painted my face and body with his cum. It was hot, hotter than I’ve ever expected, and in all honesty, it had my core clenching.
It's a miracle he even let me leave his house this morning. It was only because I needed at least a few hours to get ready for our first date. Parker suggested I order whatever I needed for tonight, going so far as to say I’d need the spare stuff here anyways so I wouldn’t live out of a bag while I was at his house.
“Hey, Mom,” I say into the phone. I called her after I got home and unloaded my bags. I’m going through my closet to figure out what to wear. My mom is my best friend, even more so now that I’m thirty-two. I don’t talk about my love life, or what used to be the lack thereof. Parker has reignited a part of me that was lying dormant and that solely has to do with him.BP—“Before Parker”—I’d use a toy or my hand on the rare occasion. The sex drive that other women have, it was non-existent, but after meeting Parker, things changed.
“Hey, sweetie, you sound much better. Are you working this weekend?” I’m about to ask if we can FaceTime when my eyes land on the little black dress in the back of my closet.
“Nope, I was only scheduled for the days I was sick. I offered to pick up other shifts, but so far, I’ve not been needed, which seems weird with this virus running around. What are you and Dad up to?” I take the dress out of my closet and drape it on my bed. Next will be shoes, and while I absolutely hate high heels, there’s something to be said about what they do for your legs and ass.
“That is , and who knows? He’s getting home earlier and earlier these days. I may see if he’d like to go out. There’s a new show out I’d like to get tickets for. Now that you’re back home, what’s on your agenda?” We share locations. There was no denying where I was the past two days. I also called to give her a heads-up on my way to Parker’s to let her know what was happening in this whirlwind romance; there’s no other way to describe the relationship between Parker. And believe me, he made sure I knew that it was a relationship many times, in his words and in the way he shows me.
“I’m only home for a few hours. Parker is bound and determined for us to go on our date.” Getting the charity date out of the way was his idea, even though I rolled my eyes and told him in no uncertain terms I didn’t care about that at all. It was definitely more for him than for me.
“Oh, it seems Parker is not messing around. I remember when your father and I were young. The memories… What are you wearing?” I go back in my closet, looking for the perfect shoes. This conversation is going to take a while, so I put her on speaker phone.
“The black dress you bought me two years ago, the long-sleeved lace overlay that hits mid-thigh,” I jog her memory. She is always out shopping. It’s not my idea of fun, plus, like I said, re-wearing dresses doesn’t bother me. It’s the others who try to make something out of nothing.
“Finally. You’ve yet to wear that, and it’s perfect on you. The black heels you have, they buckle around your ankle. Keep hair down, in either a sleek straight look or soft waves. Top it off with a dramatic eye and nude lips.” See what I mean? Even before I ask for advice, Mom knows.
“Thank you. That was my next question. I’ve got to jump in the shower, scrub my hair and shave. There wasn’t a whole lot of time for me to take care of all the areas while I was at Parker’s house.” Yes, we have that relationship. One where I overshare, and she thinks nothing of it.
“Oh, dear, my suggestion is the waves. It’s faster than blowing it dry and having to flat iron all those layers of hair you have. Do you know where you’re going?”
“Emilio’s.” I tried to explain to Parker that I didn’t care where we went. A stroll around Central Park while eating a hot dog from a cart would be fine with me. Of course, he went into this long rant, saying it wouldn’t do for a first date, that was for a Sunday afternoon stroll, not dinner.
“Wow. Well, I’ll make sure your father and I stay away from there tonight. It does make one wonder if he did his research, or did you tell him Emilio’s is your one birthday present you request a year?” I love Italian food, any and all. My parents go to Emilio’s once a month. Both of them hating to cook now that it’s just the two of them. As for me, it’s a treat, mostly because I’m out on my own and can’t afford it, but also, overindulging would mean I’d need to do more cardio than I already do at work, and that is something I’m highly allergic to.
“He asked earlier this week where my favorite place to eat was. I had no idea he’d make reservations.” One thing I’m learning about Parker is to expect the unexpected.
“Smart man. They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. What they don’t realize is, the way to a woman’s heart is to listen with open ears.”
“Wise wisdom. Also, I didn’t get to tell you, but I kind of sort of met Ezra, who is like his brother, and almost his mom.” I go into detail about the incident, being embarrassed and how Parker wasn’t mad that I jumped to conclusions. That also means his mom is in the city this weekend, staying with Ezra until tomorrow, when she’ll go to Parker’s, and he wants me to meet her.
We continue our conversation with Mom pouring herself a glass of wine and me lying on my bed giggling as we talk. As soon as this phone call is over, I’m going to be moving and grooving. Waiting till the last minute to get ready while catching up with my mom is going to put me behind. Hopefully, Parker won’t mind. A girl needs to decompress after all the wild sex we’ve have the past twenty-four hours.
“Alright, Mom. I’ve got to get ready. I’ll call you tomorrow or send you a text. Which reminds me, I still need to text Millie.” She checked in a few times, and I responded. Apparently, whatever she had was ten times worse than what I suffered, so maybe it was something completely different. Either way, I’m going to carve out time for her.
“Okay, have fun. Love you, honey,” Mom says.
“Love you, too. Stay away from Emilio’s tonight, please. I promise you’ll meet Parker soon.”
“I promise, and yes, make that happen soon.” We hang up the phone, and then I’m getting my butt off the bed to get ready, starting with a shower.