Page 56 of Klutz
“Where is Aurora?” Fanatic sought, and Daryl shook his head, laughing.
“Klutz?” Fanatic asked my permission.
“Do it,” I said firmly.
Fanatic sliced thinly across Daryl’s gut. Daryl’s laughter cut off.
“Do what you want, you bunch of thugs. You’ll never ever find her.” Daryl spat blood and a tooth on the floor and smirked at me. “But the password to my laptop is three, five, seven, nine, one.”
Mac raced out the door and came back moments later carrying a computer. He placed it on a table and typed in the code. I stepped behind him as it loaded, and we stared at the windows screen.
“There!” I spoke, pointing at a file that said bitch. Mac clicked on it, and for a few minutes, I didn’t understand what I was looking at. It was semi-dark, and there was water, and I saw a figure standing in it. I swapped a confused glance with Fanatic as Mac straightened, death in his eyes.
“Make him talk now. Aurora doesn’t have much time!”
It hit me then what I was seeing. Aurora was chained in a tank of rising water. Fuck her vision with the tank and water! It was happening before my very eyes. The water was already up to her shoulders, and Aurora fought to free herself from the chains holding her down. I could see them wrapped around her; no matter what Aurora did, they kept her prisoner. Aurora threw back her head and screamed for help. Despite my fear and horror, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. My girl yanked on them with all her strength as she tried to find one weak link.
Grunts came from behind me and screams as Gunner, Rock, and Fanatic worked on Daryl. Drake watched his son impassively as Fanatic made Daryl bleed.
“Jacon!” a voice screeched from the laptop, making me jump. “Are you there? Shit!” I spun back to the screen and saw a woman hanging through a hatch and reaching for Aurora.
“Jacon, she’s at the triple water towers! Hurry! Bring bolt cutters,” the woman screamed again.
“What the fuck?” Drake asked, joining me as we watched the woman drop into the water and swim to Aurora.
“Don’t know, but we’ve a location. Gunner, take care of that,” Ace said as we ran from the house. I didn’t even bother looking back. Daryl was already dead.
Chapter Thirteen.
My limbs finally began to get feeling in them, but too late. I was chained to the tower, and water was starting to pour in. Klutz’s insane brother kept shrieking, demanding to know where his wife and children were. Fuck him! Even if I had known, I wouldn’t tell. The bastard was clearly unstable and not safe to be near kids. The water was swirling around my waist when Daryl pulled his head back and trapped me in the darkness. I was fighting the urge to panic when strange green lights flicked on, and I saw two red dots attached to the wall. The asshole was filming me!
I knew where I was, but the question remained, would Klutz find me? I was near the edge of town where three water towers that had, for some reason, been interlinked stood. When one got full, they bled it off into another and, therefore, kept the tanks full. And this place was deserted. Nobody came out here. Survival depended on two things: either I escaped from these chains, or Klutz found me. And neither looked likely.
I watched as that fucking psycho Daryl disappeared in his car, whistling. How no one else realised Daryl was whacked in the head, I didn’t know, but to me, it was obvious. Probably the reason Jemma escaped with the kids. I’d seen bruises on her, one’s Mom and Dad ignored. Daryl, being the eldest, could never commit a wrong. Minutes ticked past as I waited to ensure that Daryl did not return, and then I scrambled up the water tower and hit the walkway. A curving ladder ran up to the top of the dome, and I gulped. Shit, I totally owned a fear of heights. But I saw Daryl cart the unconscious woman up here and knew I couldn’t leave Aurora alone.
I’d been sending Jacon messages ever since Daryl had begun stalking them. It seems Jacon hadn’t taken them seriously, and now it was down to me!
Trying not to shut my eyes, I climbed the next ladder and flattened myself against the gently curving roof. The hatch rose easily, allowing the sunlight to flood in. A gasp left my lips as I noticed Aurora chained to the floor and struggling to break free.
“What the fuck did Daryl do?” I growled, and Aurora looked up.
“Help! The water is rising!” she cried.
“Hold on, Aurora, I saw Daryl turning the valve on!” I yelled and disappeared. The water was already up to Aurora’s hips. I carefully climbed back down, raced down the straight ladder as fast as possible, and headed for the nearby tower. This one, I’d watched Daryl climb and turn the valve. I guessed it would stop the flow.
Angrily cursing my eldest brother under my breath, I hurriedly ascended the second tower and hit the walkway. And stared in dismay at the valve. No! Daryl had wrapped a chain around it and padlocked it shut. Furious, I yanked on it in and realised it wouldn’t break. That motherfucking asshole! I dashed back down, panic welling in my chest. I was a doctor, not a lockpick.
After climbing the ladders again, I hung over the hatch.
“Aurora, I can’t turn it off! Daryl rigged it,” I shouted as I gaped at the water above her waist.
“He’s filming me!” Aurora yelled.
I looked and saw two red glows.