Page 32 of Klutz
“Think it’s rude if we run off?” I asked as my cock hardened.
“Oh definitely,” Aurora replied as Bernard’s staff began bringing out food. My eyes widened in amazement as he brought out a three-tier wedding cake. It was simply iced and decorated, but Bernard wore a massive grin.
“Had three people working on it!” Bernard announced proudly. “You were having a cake!”
“Bernard, I don’t know what to say! I’m so happy!” Aurora said as everybody smiled and hugged her.
“You’re family, Aurora, no matter what. The same as Calamity and Rosie! And all the exiles,” Marissa added, smiling and hugging us. “What a beautiful couple!”
The day progressed with everyone laughing and joking and generally celebrating. The bubble wrap suit was brought out again, and Jett and Blaze forced me into it, saying they didn’t want me injured for my wedding night. Cheeky assholes. But seeing the light on Aurora’s face meant more than my pride. Something else my asshole father would never understand. I was still wearing it when I wandered outside to check the bikes were okay. They should be, but a biker never took risks with his ride.
I was turning on my heel to return to the festivities when a cop car pulled up, and two uniformed officers got out. They walked straight down the alley, causing my brow to furrow.
“Everything alright?”
“You tell us, bud. Got a concerned call about a crazy man walking around, and we discovered you!” the first guy said. The name badge read Haynes, and the second officer was named Zucker.
“Oh, this?” I spoke and waved my hand at the bubble suit. Amused, I laughed. “This is my brother’s idea of making fun of me. Today’s my wedding day, being held in the restaurant behind you, and I’m clumsy, and they forced me into this. Said they didn’t want me hurt before my wedding night.”
“What’s your name?” Haynes asked.
“Look, why don’t you come inside? Detectives Ramirez, Benjamin, and a few others are partying with us,” I replied calmly, but something was off. The way the two officers kept eying me warned me of trouble. I reached into the bubble wrap, intending to phone one of the cops inside when I stared down the barrel of a gun.
“Get your hands where we can see them!” Zucker yelled.
“Look, I’m reaching for my phone. Gonna call Ramirez!”
“Put your damn hands up!”
“Hey, chill out!” I retorted, holding my hands up. “This can be cleared up easily if you allow me to fetch a cop from inside the restaurant!”
“Keep your hands where I can see them,” Zucker warned as Haynes stepped forward.
I stayed in place, resentment welling up. What, because of my skin colour, I was a threat? We’d had a rational conversation. I’d explained the zany suit, so what other reason could there be?
Haynes patted me down briskly, his search finding my empty holster.
“Asshole’s armed. You’re under arrest!” Haynes said, forcing an arm behind my back.
“Are you kidding me? The holster’s empty because I got married this morning. Mere habit made me put it on. And I’m licenced to carry concealed. You’ve not even taken my fucking name!” I yelled, hoping it would catch someone’s attention.
This was my wedding day. This couldn’t be happening.
“Shut up!” Haynes snapped.
“Go into the restaurant, for fuck’s sake! This is my wedding day…” the words broke off as a gun butt smashed into my skull.
“Watch out, Haynes, this motherfucker’s on something!” Zucker called.
Another blow hit my head, and as I fell to my knees, I felt a boot kick me in the ribs. Blows struck my torso, but I was so stunned I couldn’t defend myself.
“Has anyone seen Klutz? He went outside twenty minutes ago to check the bikes and hasn’t come back,” I asked Jett and Blaze.
They swapped glances, told me to stay here, and strolled out. Moments later, Blaze rushed in, yelling for Ramirez. Calamity stepped up to me as Jett ran back in, whispered something in his ear, and then raced out again.