Page 25 of Klutz
Therefore, I was alone when I received a phone call.
“Hello?” I asked.
“Is this Aurora Victoria?” a man urged.
“This is Jermaine Edwards. Jacon’s father. My eldest son, Daryl, has updated me on his visit,” Jermaine spoke to me in a haughty tone, and my back bristled.
“So, why are you calling me?” I demanded, not willing to back down.
“Well, young lady,” Jermaine said in a nasty voice, insinuating I was anything but a lady, “my son needs to return to the fold and not waste his skills in a backward city veterinarian clinic. And I believe you can convince him to come home.”
“I’ve no intention of making Klutz do something he doesn’t want to,” I retorted.
“Young lady, I completely recognise you do not understand the dynamics of my family. Jacon was supposed to become a doctor. He was born to be one. Whatever you are doing to stop him from fulfilling his destiny, I suggest you end your shenanigans. Because my son is a class above you, and you’re ruining his life. That I cannot and will not allow,” Jermaine said firmly.
I think I was meant to be scared, but it had the opposite effect on me.
“You know nothing of the man Klutz is. Strong, proud, kind, generous, understanding, true, and genuine. How Klutz became that with a parent like you, I have no idea. But the amount of love he has in his heart far surpasses any expectations you might have of him. Even if I broke up with him tonight, and I won’t, he still wouldn’t return to your disgraceful household,” I snapped.
“How dare…”
“Excuse me. I’m talking. You and your family may think I am fake and false, but I can assure you I’m not. I know you end up bitter and alone, just like your other son, Daryl. And not even Daryl will bother with you when you’re old and frail. You’ve raised your children to be clones of you, and like you, they’ve no time for anything useless. How Klutz avoided this, I’m not sure, but I count it as a miracle. Klutz will have a brilliant life with friends, family, and his own kids. And they will receive the love and attention of a wonderful man. Nothing you could say or do will induce me to be so foolish to throw him away.”
Take that!
“One million dollars,” Jermaine said with anticipation in his voice.
I was struck dumb by the offer.
“Pardon?” I finally managed.
“One million dollars to leave my son, so he’ll follow his true path.”
“The path you set out?”
“Does it matter? One million dollars.”
“Fuck no!” I spat, disgusted.
“Two million and no more. For someone like you, young lady, that’s a vast fortune. Take the money and find some other schmuck’s life to ruin.”
“Oh, you mean the poor schmuck that you threw away? Disowned him because he was falsely arrested for a crime? Tell me, Mr Edwards, what type of asshole does that?” I accused, and there was a hiss of breath.
“Take the cheque!” Jermaine insisted.
“You know nothing about me,” I said, laughing. “Two million dollars to leave Klutz? I have ten million in the bank left to me by my grandmother. We lived simply, but she was fortunate to invest in a top-rated computer company when it started out. Those shares sold for twenty million dollars. She donated half to charity and gave me the rest. And even without her money, I have earned nearly one million myself. Just because I dress in flowing skirts and gypsy tops and live a simple life doesn’t mean I’m poor.
“Dear God, what a racist you are. Judging me as white trash because of my calling and clothing. I know Daryl called you the moment he tore out of my drive. Not everyone is motivated by the dollar. Some of us appreciate simplicity, honesty, and real life, not one complicated and driven by cold hard cash. Take your offer and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine!” I yelled into my phone.
A hand snatched it from me.
“Jermaine,” Klutz spoke, his face like thunder. Oh crap!
“Son!” Jermaine shouted, his voice gloating. “Did you hear what that guttersnipe said to me?”
“Got two words for you. Fuck. Off.” Klutz ended the call and swung me into his arms, kissing me thoroughly. I was breathless when he released me, and I blushed as I heard Calamity chuckle.