Page 10 of Klutz
“Stay behind me. If I say run, Aurora, run and don’t stop until you escape.”
I nodded as Casey handed me a gun. “Point and fire. Doesn’t matter if you shoot them. If you’re firing, they are ducking.”
“That makes sense.”
“And keep running and zig zag. The easiest target in the world to hit is someone who runs in a straight line.”
“Got it,” I acknowledged. Casey showed me how to set the safety and take it off and reminded me to leave it on while moving. I sent her a dry look. Hell, I may not be consistent with guns, but I did have some common sense! Although I imagine Casey thought I was a bit of a delicate flower, and maybe she wasn’t wrong!
Fear still churned in my stomach, but I felt a lot better now Casey was present. Casey had this calm aura around her, even though we were in danger.
We made our way around this level. I stayed close behind, partly in fear and because I was terrified of being alone. Casey was definitely on guard, and I knew she was concentrating on finding Mac and protecting me.
I quietly climbed a set of steps and froze as voices echoed nearby. Casey put a hand up, and I stopped and crouched down low. Luck was on our side as the men marched past, too intent on their conversation. Before my eyes, Casey stepped off the stairs, took aim, and shot them in the back of their heads. I smothered a gasp and knew why she’d done it. If Casey left them at our backs, they could come across and kill us both.
Together we dragged them behind a container, and Casey checked the area was clear.
People approached, and Casey shoved me into a room and joined me. She motioned for me to crouch down, and I obeyed as she covered the door. My eyes widened as I gazed around the room. Maybe I wasn’t proficient in handling guns, but I recognised what was here. I tugged Casey’s sleeve to gain her attention. In front of me were cases of bombs.
Casey lit up in glee and began studying them, taking some and placing them in a bag. I didn’t dare ask what she planned to do.
“Aurora, stay behind the drums. I don’t think they’ll come and check here. But I am going to plant these,” Casey said.
I shook my head. Nope, I did not plan on staying in a room with home-made bombs. Nor did I wish to remain here and be alone.
“No chance. You need someone to watch your back while you sow them.”
“Casey, I’m older than you. Do as your elders say,” I whispered.
Casey rolled her eyes but agreed. Silently, we crept out of the room and made our way forward.
“That fucker talking?” a guy growled, and I stopped moving.
Casey cocked her head as she took out a bomb and set the trigger. A flutter of fear ran through me. Surely, Casey wasn’t going to throw that at them! To my relief, as the men talked, Casey taped it to a post with a machine nearby.
Casey peeked out and spied a man walking towards us. As soon as he passed, she leapt on his back and jammed a knife into his neck. He let out a squeak and dropped to his knees. I nearly threw up at the sight of the slit throat but held it together as Casey taunted him.
“You fuckers forgot one thing. I was trained to be a Delta Force soldier. It’s gonna be you motherfuckers going up with a bang. Not Rage,” she muttered and dragged him backwards.
“Aurora, there’s room there. Hide for now. I’ll come for you. But I need to move swiftly and silently,” Casey whispered.
I wanted to argue, but Casey was better off alone. She’d be quicker and quieter. Bravely, I looked around for a hiding space and saw a gap between two machines near a wall. Casey watched as I crammed myself into it and nodded.
“I’ll be back,” she murmured and disappeared.
Chapter Three.
Minutes ticked by. I heard men’s voices and footsteps approaching and leaving, and I curled myself into as small a ball as possible. Panic was welling inside, and it was taking every ounce of control I had not to release a scream. I was so busy concentrating on not screaming that I didn’t hear Casey.
Casey whispered my name, and I looked up.
“Casey?” I mumbled as they came into view.
“Aurora, help me with Mac. As soon as we are clear, I’m hitting the trigger.”