Page 65 of The Rage of Reading
Diego laughed.
“Shall we see how much money our little sweetie pie is raising to pay off Mommy’s debt?” Diego grinned as Dina staggered in, appearing even more whacked out. He opened the screen, and my eyes flew to it. A picture of my baby girl, who looked terrified, hit me, and I gagged when I saw the amounts being placed on Amelia and the time left. Jett threw his head back and roared soundlessly. Ten minutes, that’s all Amelia had, ten minutes.
“How can you do this?” I yelled at Dina. The bitch smiled drunkenly.
“The money Ursula’s making should keep me stocked for a year, at least.”
“You’re whacked,” I shrieked. I suddenly saw a comment pop up on the screen.
“This kid is on the amber list. RCPD searching all over for her. I’m withdrawing,” I read and laughed. I nodded my head as three bidders pulled out. Diego turned to look, his face blackening, and another message popped up.
“Kid belongs to Rage MC. Ain’t messing with an MC.”
“Kid’s too hot. Not worth this, police, Rage MC, and Juno Group all over this.”
“Just got word Hawthorne is hunting for the kid. Forget it.” One by one, lights disappeared as people withdrew, several of them the high bidders.
I laughed as Diego went mad and began slapping Dina.
“Not going to sell Amelia now, are you?”
Diego turned to me, fury in his gaze. He eyed my torn blouse, and a chill spiralled through me. No! I couldn’t handle this again. Diego’s eyes promised pain and humiliation. Jett’s angry roar caught startled me, and I gazed at him. Jett strained against his bonds. I needed to get a grip. Jett would escape, so I just required patience.
“Highest bid is still thirty k. Wonder what I’d make for a Rage cunt. Rage got enemies out there,” Diego said and dragged me in front of Jett. Diego crouched down and forced me to face Jett. I shivered in fear as his hand reached down and grabbed my breast, squeezing hard. A whimper escaped me.
“Gonna fuck her, then I’m gonna sell what’s left of your wife. Those fucks may be picky over a kid, but not a woman,” Diego sneered. His face came close to mine from behind, and I snapped my teeth at him. Diego laughed as he ripped my blouse off completely. I tried to cower, but Diego threw me down to the ground, and I cried out. My head turned, and I found Jett’s horrified and enraged gaze.
“Don’t watch, please don’t watch,” I begged Jett. Hands groped beneath my skirt, and then it began ripping. Fear started choking me. Memories of Rouse’s grasping hands drifted to the surface. Dina stepped up behind Jett, grabbing him by his hair and forcing Jett to watch. Dina whispered things in Jett’s ear as she held a knife to his throat. A thin line of blood appeared, and Dina held it that tight to him.
Jett’s horrified eyes kept a lock on mine. Diego ripped my skirt entirely off, and I was in my underwear in front of him. I couldn’t fight, as I was still bound. I had to be brave because I couldn’t let this destroy Jett and myself. Jett roared and smashed his head into Dina’s face.
Blood squirted, and Dina screamed, letting go of him. Dina covered her face with her hands and tried to stem the bleeding from her nose. Unable to stop, I laughed hysterically. Jett hurled backwards a second time, and I kept my eyes on my husband even as Diego cut my bra and panties off me. Diego fumbled at his belt, and then he crouched behind me.
Jett was a roaring mess of anger. He crashed backwards a third time, and his chair fell to the side. His weight smashed it, and I saw Jett struggling with his ropes. Diego rose to his feet just as Jett got a hand free and grabbed the knife Dina had held. Dina, shrieking like a banshee, tried to grab his arm, and as I watched, Jett twisted the blade and thrust it upwards.
I didn’t look away as the knife rammed through the underside of Dina’s chin and up into her brain. Dina’s eyes crossed as blood spurted everywhere, and Jett continued to try to get free. Diego kicked me to one side and moved on to Jett. Jett still had one arm tied, and I screamed as Diego grabbed my man’s head and pulled a knife. Diego was cursing and spitting manically, and I yelled Jett’s name.
The door burst open, and a figure came flying down the stairs. I gasped as I caught a flash of red hair, and then a dagger hit Diego in his hand. Diego screeched and dropped his weapon. A second knife smacked him in the arm, and a third hit Diego directly in the chest. Artemis flew towards Diego, grabbed the knife from his torso, and stabbed it straight into his groin.
Diego went down, screaming. Artemis was silent as she fell backwards to the floor and kicked upwards with her feet embedding the knife to the hilt in Diego’s groin. Artemis spun around and flipped back to her feet. Moving fast, she used a penknife to cut Jett free, and I shouted as Diego rose to his knees with a gun pointed at her. Artemis shoved Jett to one side and dived the other way.
The revolver firing echoed, and I howled again, not knowing if Jett or Artemis had been hit. Jett moved simultaneously with Artemis. He ripped the knife from Dina’s skull and slammed it into Diego’s throat. Artemis was launching throwing stars straight at Diego’s heart, and four landed millimetres apart from each other. Jett leaned forward and grabbed the dying man’s head.
“Suck it up, fucker; you’re gonna be our message to anyone who thinks to fuck with Rage.” Diego tried saying something, and blood fell from his lips. Jett calmly seized the end of the knife hanging from Diego’s throat and slammed it home. I watched as the light died from his eyes.
Drake, Ramirez, Hawthorne, Lowrider, and Mac came barrelling down the stairs. Seconds later, the rest of Rage entered behind them. Drake stopped at the bottom, taking in the scene. Drake turned back to Ramirez.
“Get out of here, brother,” Drake said. Ramirez shook his head.
“Need a shirt,” Jett snarled. His own was torn beyond repair, and his body covered my exposed one. Drake ripped his tee off as Artemis cut my bonds, and Jett jammed Drake’s tee over my head. I didn’t give a shit that most of Rage and their friends had seen me naked. The moment I was covered, I launched upwards, my legs weak, and slammed into Jett. I grabbed Jett in a stranglehold, and he pulled me in tight.
“Killed Dina too quick,” I snarled in his ear. I’d never known hate… dislike, disgust, yeah, but never hate. I’d learnt hatred now, Dina had taught me to hate, and I hated her passionately. Jett’s body tensed and then relaxed. Artemis sent me a surprised but approving look.
“What happened?” Ramirez asked. Jett and Artemis told their stories. Ramirez made a motion with his hand. “Suspect had a knife to Jett’s throat as you entered Artemis?” Ramirez stated, his eyes blazing into hers. She nodded at once. Jett agreed.
“It was self-defence,” Artemis said, finally.
“Self-defence I can work with,” Ramirez intoned. His partner Ben jogged down the stairs and took in the grisly scene.