Page 60 of The Rage of Reading
“I’m your Uncle Texas. For biker babes like yourself, I’m a special uncle.”
Amelia looked at Texas, still frightened, but offered him a slight nod. Amelia moved towards him, and Texas hoisted her gently on his lap. Jett’s hands snuck around my waist, and Jett tilted my head into his shoulder as I suddenly realised my tears were falling. I sniffed and rubbed the back of my hand over my cheeks, drying them up.
“This is how you open a gift, sweetheart,” Texas boomed softly, peering into the little face gazing up at him. Amelia snuggled into his lap as Texas grasped the present and ripped the paper, flinging it in every direction. Amelia gazed up at Texas in wonder as he made a mess of the wrapping and reached out for the pink teddy bear in front of her.
“I got you that. Daddy says every little girl should have a pink teddy,” Eddie said, her eyes finding Drake immediately. Drake grinned at his hellion daughter and gave her a nod.
“You got a lotta uncles, little princess. These are all your uncles, and they’ve been spending like hell’s gonna freeze over tomorrow. So why don’t we see what they got ya?” Texas asked as he reached for another wrapped present. Amelia clung to her pink teddy, but as Texas encouraged her, Amelia tore into a gift from Gunner. It was a hand-carved wooden horse, and Amelia’s hands ran over it in wonder.
“Uncle Gunner,” Gunner said, crouching down near her. Amelia’s eyes tracked his movement, and she gave Gunner another nod.
“Gunner made that,” Jett whispered in my ear. Wow, Gunner had a talent for wood carving.
“We got a meeting on Sunday. You and family are required at the clubhouse at three, prospect,” Apache spoke from behind us. Jett looked over his shoulder and offered a nod. Jett didn’t ask what type of thing it was; he just agreed. It rankled a little, but Jett had explained that until he earned his patch, Jett was at the club’s beck and call. But they stayed away from illegal stuff like drugs or gun running.
As long as Jett loved me and came home, I didn’t care. The woman who’d have fretted herself sick with worry six months ago had long gone. Rage was clean, sure, I’d seen a couple of them smoking pot, but nothing harder entered the clubhouse. Jett had explained that was respect. Drake wanted a club built around four things: freedom, riding, family, and respect. Rage had that and would fight to protect it.
Yeah, I’d witnessed the women hanging around and didn’t like it. I understood that I could either hang with the old ladies and ignore the skanky bitches trying it on with the MC or stay away. I’d learnt early on from the blazing argument we’d had, that Rage was Jett’s world. Jett trusted me by bringing me into his existence, and I wouldn’t break that trust.
Gazing around, surrounded by Jett’s brothers and their wives, I knew this was a good place. Sure, they might blur the line at times. In Artemis’s case, she was more than slightly grey, but they had kind hearts. Drake only let a certain man into the club, Phoenix had explained. Men who thought and acted like Drake. Guys who believed family and their brothers took priority.
One night we, the old ladies, had sat down, and they’d each given me their stories. I’d been wide-eyed and shocked by the end of them. Marsha gave me the background behind Rage and their history, and I was glad Jett had missed most of the struggle they’d been through. It explained the edge the older brothers had.
Rage usually had candidates who did two years before they gained prospects. The prospects then did a two-year stint, allowing Drake to determine he let the right man into their brotherhood. I’d guessed that somewhere in the past, blood had been spilt, although that was the one thing Phoe hadn’t told me. Phoe just said they’d had a hard and dangerous fight getting the club clean. Jett was nearing the end of his two years; he only had four months left before becoming a full brother.
So yeah, this Sin was more confident, more settled, and definitely loved. Jett’s eyes told me that every time he looked at me. I had friends, a business that was succeeding, and I now had a daughter and husband. I’d come a long way and believed I was the wife Jett deserved. Jett made me believe in myself and gave me the confidence to be brave and not so afraid. In truth, it wasn’t just Jett. The club had too. Dad would be so proud to see me standing strong today. It hurt that he’d never meet Amelia or any future children, but I know he was watching from above. But I’d have loved one cherished picture of Dad holding his grandchildren. But it wasn’t meant to be.
I was a nerd. There was no getting away from it. I’d always be geeky. Not one of Rage had ever judged me for it. Apache and Texas and I had long-winded conversations about what I was working on. Texas was interested in the Hellfire Club, and I’d often find him wanting a chat about our latest discovery.
Slick was usually in my store, constantly racing to buy a new series I had in before Emily or Phoe beat him. Drake was warm and welcoming, but he held the old ladies at an arms-length. Drake didn’t poke into our lives. He took an interest but didn’t pry. Though Drake would be the first on the scene if we needed him. Fish was generally around with Marsha. Marsha had told me Rage was their whole life. They couldn’t have children, so they channelled their love into the club. My heart wept for them because if anyone deserved a child, it was them.
I’d become tight with Manny, and if I had questions, I couldn’t ask Jett. I knew Manny would be there. Manny became my second husband in a non-sexual way. I’d noticed that Phoe was incredibly close to Ace. Considering the man had taken bullets for her, it was no surprise. Artemis was tight with Drake, who she seemed to idolise slightly less than Ace. So the old ladies had an alternative sexy biker guy. Manny took the role of mine.
The exception was Silvie. She was called an old lady, which was strange enough as she wasn’t claimed. Silvie was clearly in love with Apache, but the man kept her at a distance, and Silvie accepted her lot in the club.
I’d seen the guys treat her as an old lady, but I didn’t understand why. When I’d asked Jett, he told me that is how it was, and no one messed with Silvie. Drake would put them in their place. I couldn’t pinpoint anyone in particular she was close to. Silvie treated them all the same, although I saw Silvie’s eyes drift to Gunner several times, so I wondered if there was a little something there. But it was clear Silvie had feelings for Apache.
I made the fifth old lady of the club. The women had been ravenous in their overtures of friendliness. At first, I had been disconcerted, and then I realised that these were genuinely warm souls. Even Artemis, with her mad skills and her episodes, as they were referred to, was friendly. I didn’t want to know what Artemis’s episodes were; I was just thankful Artemis accepted me into her circle.
The old ladies never mixed with the club-whores or bunnies who hung around, hoping to either get laid or score an old lady position. They kept to themselves, above those who whored themselves with whoever took their fancy. I’d learnt that hierarchy quickly. Old ladies, then next, were women who were friends but not in the inner circle. People like Phoe’s insane PA, Emily, Susan, and Diana, who both worked for Phoe. The friend circle was small and kept that way for a reason. Finally, the skanks were at the bottom of the ladder.
Jett jogged me out of my thoughts as he jostled me and walked me over to where Amelia was emulating Texas and ripping into the paper. Amelia held a gift from Silvie, a beautiful rag doll. Silvie reached out a hand and touched Amelia’s newly cut hair with a gentle caress. Amelia tilted her head into it and then backed back up against Texas.
It was a wonderful day. The club had gone out of its way to welcome the newest member of its family. Last night, I realised, had been about us winning custody. Today was family and celebration. I caught Drake in conversation several times with Ace, Texas, Fish, Gunner, and Apache, their eyes on Jett. Jett didn’t seem bothered by it, so I let it go.
Jett ducked out with Reid, and when he returned, he was sporting a new Dodge Ram 1500. He’d bought a black one, and my jaw dropped open. It had all the bells and whistles on and heated leather seats. Jett was pleased with himself, and Reid wondered whether he should get one. When asked, Jett told me he’d paid cash for it and that he had a kid now and a wife, and we needed to be safe. At my pout, Jett informed me I’d still be on the rear of his bike. I grinned.
With Jett’s purchase in mind, he approached Phoe and Drake and discussed how to pay back the house. Jett had lied to me. He’d said he had a sizable sum put away. It may have been a fair bit to Jett, but to me, it was a small fortune. In the end, we only ended up owing Phoe thirty thousand dollars. Drake had insisted on leaving Jett a ten thousand fallback. I blinked, realising that I hadn’t talked about our finances.
Jett earned a lot more than I did. I’d forgotten he’d once told me he never brought home less than five thousand dollars a month. Jett had sunk ten thousand on my rings. Bought a new truck which cost lord knows how much and paid off a massive chunk of the loan Phoe had given us. I guessed by Phoe’s eyes she’d make it a gift, but I knew from Jett’s burning gaze he wouldn’t take it. He’d provide for his family, and that was that.
Drake agreed to take ten per cent off what Jett earned each month and pay it to Phoe until it was cleared. If Drake thought we’d be short one month, he’d let the payment fly. When I’d argued, Drake put a finger to my mouth, shutting me up. Drake’s gaze narrowed on me, and I fought against taking a step back.
“Family,” Drake said to me and at that one word, I gave up fighting and nodded my head.
Warmth shone in Drake’s eyes, and I saw approval, which made me feel cosy and warm. This man was amazing. No wonder Drake was the club president. With the disagreement over and the repayment plans settled, I settled in to watch big badass bikers welcome their latest niece. Drake spent the night carting around either Dante, his baby son, Eddie, or, a few times, both of them. His little son was the image of his father, and I could see a kickass biker in Dante’s gaze as he regarded his future kingdom.
When we went to bed that evening with Amelia fast asleep in her cot safe with us, Jett found another way to prove his love to me. The only problem was keeping our noise down.