Page 55 of The Rage of Reading
Steven said we’d have a good case. With the depositions and the video, we were in a strong position. He informed us he was calling character witnesses, but that went over my head. All I could see was my husband in front of me and how tense and weary Jett was. Steven blinked when we told him we’d got married that afternoon, but he agreed that made us even more reliable.
I was waiting for the panic to set in, but fear had abandoned me. I was dazed but relaxed. There was no way I’d imagined being hitched today. On my finger was a slim but heavy, plain gold ring. My other hand kept twisting it around, and despite my worry that we’d rushed things, everything felt perfect. Not the wedding of my dreams by a long shot, but contentment and a feeling of righteousness hit me hard.
Steven asked about living arrangements, and we informed him we’d be house hunting tomorrow. He told us to find one as soon as possible, and he’d do the closure on it. We needed to be in the house by the court date, which didn’t give us much time. I sighed. This would be a tight squeeze. We’d do it, with Rage and Phoe helping us, but even so, such a struggle.
When we left Steven’s office, Emily was waiting outside. Phoe’s PA was sporting blue hair with purple streaks and was wearing motorcycle boots with denim dungarees and a pink tee. Emily was bouncing on her toes and began babbling. In short, she’d lined up five properties, all within a fifteen-mile radius of Phoe’s home. I blinked at how quickly she’d managed this, and Emily grinned.
“Nothing is impossible when Phoe wants something done,” Jett whispered as we followed an excited Emily outside. Emily handed us the details of the houses and then gave us a list of times. It was already three o’clock, and we’d viewings per hour. Jett jumped on his bike, and I climbed on after him.
I loved riding with Jett. Being wrapped around his hard body and feeling the powerful machine throb between my legs. The first time Jett had taken me for a ride, I’d been terrified, but now I felt the freedom in it. I yanked on my helmet that Jett insisted I wear, and Jett’s bike growled as he pulled away. Like a good half of the MC, Jett favoured a Dyna Glide. It was a beast.
To our surprise, Phoe was waiting at the first house. Phoe walked it with us and turned her nose up at it before we did. She did much the same at the second property, finding fault with the size of the yard and the fact it was overlooked. Unhappy, Phoe followed us to the third. The third house was it. There was a hedge fencing the front yard and a wraparound porch. The house was two storeys, not including the basement and attic. It also held a large backyard. To my amazement, it even had a swimming pool. The inside direly needed decorating, but it was clean and solid.
It had an open lounge and kitchen area and two small downstairs studies. There were also two additional rooms: a playroom for Ursula and a tv room. The upstairs held a full master, with an adjoining bathroom. There were four bedrooms, two of which included bathrooms. There was a decent-sized family bathroom decorated in olive green. Despite the disrepair and décor, the property was perfect.
Jett put in an offer there, and then he undercut by fifteen thousand and pointed out why. The realtor baulked at first until Jett said not to worry, we’d go elsewhere and then she became all business. Phoe mentioned that we were only a five-minute drive from Reading Hall and were in a decent area with excellent schools. I blanched at the price, but Phoe told the realtor it was a cash buyer, and we needed it completed within a week, or the deal was off.
The realtor contacted the seller while we walked around the overgrown garden and looked out over the yard. Phoe remained inside; having a further look around, Jett began planning how to use the space, and I fell in with his vision. We were holding hands, and I’d my head on his shoulder when the realtor came back and informed us our offer had been accepted. She offered to sit down with Jett and go through the paperwork, and I caught her eyeing Jett like she’d like to do him.
“We’re married, and if you want this sale, you’ll keep your damn eyes off my husband,” I snapped. She blushed and scurried away. Jett gave off a rumble of laughter and pulled me while I was huffing into Jett’s hard body.
“Never change, baby, love when you get possessive.” Jett chuckled, dropping a kiss on my pouting lips.
Well, damn it, I’d been standing there while the idiot drooled over him. Jett picked up my fingers and studied the simple gold band. Smugly, Jett raised it to his mouth and kissed my ring and then dragged me into a bone-crushing hug.
“Love you,” I told his chest. Jett chuckled again and dropped another kiss on me.
“I know, l love you too,” Jett replied. He glanced down at his hand, showcasing his thick gold wedding band. “Gonna get you some bling to accompany that. We’re doing things backwards. But fuck it all, we’ll do it our way,” Jett muttered. He crushed me against a tree while Jett made love to my mouth with his own. An embarrassed cough broke us apart, and I sent another glare at the realtor while Jett chuckled.
Phoe came bouncing down the steps that led into the backyard and harassed the realtor. Once the woman realised who she had in her presence, she became fawning and simpering. Phoe dismissed the woman with a look and told us she’d meet us back at the clubhouse.
It was hitting nearly nine o’clock when we got arrived. Pizza boxes lay strewn across surfaces, and it seemed everyone was there. The MC had kicked skanks out, so only old ladies or close friends were present. Those included Emily, two women called Susan and Diana, and a Japanese guy named Akemi, who introduced himself as Artemis’s brother. Kids ran rioting through the clubhouse, and the adults paid little attention, trusting they were safe.
My mouth gaped as Eddie and Tony, Phoe’s twin daughter and son, dashed past me with their own pizza box. Jett had warned me the child was a handful. In fact, he’d called Eddie a hellion!
Drake tried to rescue the food but was told firmly by Eddie, “No, Daddy! Girls’ night.” Drake’s mouth twitched, and the little girl sat her ass down in a corner with Silvie and stared balefully at her father. Lowrider got them napkins and left them to it.
Reid was there alongside my shop girls. Andy, as usual, was nowhere to be seen. Reid was pacing back and forth as we came in, and he rushed up to me and dragged me from Jett. Reid cupped my cheeks and peered down at me.
“You okay?” Reid bit out.
“I’m fine; everything is perfect,” I replied. My hand rose to Reid’s chest as he crowded me.
“You standing by him?” Reid glared at Jett. I coughed and waved my fingers in front of his face. Reid’s eyes bugged out as he spotted my wedding ring. Reid looked across to Jett and saw his band. Jett was watching intently. Reid dropped a kiss on my head and then strode over to Jett. For a second, I thought he would congratulate Jett, and then Reid landed a staggering right hook on Jett’s jaw. Jett took three steps backwards from the force of the blow.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Reid roared. “First, you stand on my toes when you take vengeance for Sin. Then you go head-to-head with me in my house, now. Now you fucking marry my sister without inviting me?”
Jett felt his jaw and wriggled it side to side as I rushed to Jett’s side and ducked under his arm.
“Owed you that,” Jett muttered, “don’t get a second shot brother, not without getting one in return.”
“Married? They got hitched?” I heard a squeal, and Silvie popped up next to us, grabbing our hands. “Oh my god, they got married!” she yelled.
“What the fuck?” Apache asked as he stormed across the room. Apache grabbed us in a bone-crushing hug and set us back on our feet.
“You got married without us?” Phoenix demanded, and I saw the hurt in her expression.
“Spur-of-the-moment thing.” Jett grinned.