Page 17 of The Rage of Reading
“Thanks, I couldn’t hold them all, and I want to get the rest of the Feist series before Slick does. Phoe lent me ‘Magician’ the other day, and I’m hooked. Damn, I love Prince Arutha,” Emily jabbered, and I agreed. Prince Arutha held a secret place in my heart, too; I preferred him to his brother, Liam.
“I got to agree, but Tomas is something special.”
“Have you read them?” Emily sought, smiling.
“All of them about ten times. They’re one of my absolute favourites. Jimmy, the Hand.” I winked at the purple-haired pixie. Emily made a humming noise.
“If he was real, oh boy, things I’d do to Jimmy, the Hand! Do you have any others you could recommend?” Emily asked.
“Have you tried Shannara by Terry Brookes or Terry Goodkind’s books? They’re both addictive.”
“No, neither,” Emily muttered. She looked over her shoulder and back at me.
“Do you have them in stock?”
“Which ones?”
“All the Feist books and the two authors you mentioned.”
I laughed.
“The Feist books are here, and so are the Shannara ones, and you are in luck because I have the Goodkind series. Let me sort you out, although that is a lot of books. Wouldn’t you rather buy one set for now?”
Purple hair flew as Emily shook her head vigorously. “No, someone else might purchase them, namely Slick, who I saw coming over, and then I’ll have to wait. Can we please get them? Would you store them, and I’ll fetch the MC to help me carry them to my car?”
“Okay, I’ll put them in boxes for you.”
Emily looked cheekily at me.
“I’ve heard mention of the Dragons of Pern series?” she queried.
I chuckled. “Yes, I have Anne McCaffrey’s books and her son Todd’s. Truly, they are an amazing pair of authors. I love Master Harper Robinton. I have to tell you this will cost a fortune!”
Emily pulled a card out of her pocket. “Got it covered!” Emily laughed. “Phoe gave me a bonus last week, and I’m blowing it on books. Of course, I could borrow the ones in her library, but Phoe gets pissed if we crease a page. So better to buy my own, and I don’t have to worry about ruining them.”
I nodded, smiling. This sale would be huge. An enormous man stepped next to the pixie, and I recognised him from the MC. The brother called Slick, I thought.
“You have the Ian Randall novels in-store; been getting them from the library. And I saw the Feist books too.” Slick turned his glare onto Emily.
“I inquired first, Slick, and Sin said I can have the ones she has in stock. Go place an order, dude,” Emily told him and shoved him. Slick glared down at her. Emily grinned at him.
“Thought you got that other series,” Slick growled.
“I’m getting all three. Sin is going to help me fetch them,” Emily purred, batting her eyes. Slick gave me a resigned look.
“I have doubles, so don’t worry, but how about the Cassandra Clare books? The Shadowhunters. They are brilliant, and I can recommend them,” I suggested.
Slick nodded his head.
“Hey, get your own personal shopper; I got her first,” Emily informed Slick, who dropped his chin and looked down his nose at her.
“Phoe know you’re taking an extended lunch?”
“Yup, so find your own help,” Emily said and poked her tongue out.
I let out a laugh. This slight woman was crazy because Slick was massive.
“When you’ve finished with this demanding brat, if you’d spare a few minutes?” Slick asked, and I nodded and led Emily to where the books were that she wanted and the recommendations I’d made. Emily bought every single one, and Slick purchased all the Ian Randall and Cassandra Clare books. Between those two, it was possible to keep the book sales going on just them!