Page 10 of The Rage of Reading
Jett kept his word. He’d informed Drake that he was spending the day here, and after a sharp stare, Drake had agreed. There was a mention of patrol tonight, and they both returned each other’s chin lifts. Every time someone asked where something was, Jett followed me to the correct shelving with the customer. Thanks to Jett, my confidence grew.
Reid shook hands with an older man carrying a wrapped parcel and escorted the customer out. Reid gave me a cheeky grin and a thumbs up and disappeared back down to the Vault. I hoped that meant he’d completed a sale. The Vault had its own dedicated register, so any sale Reid had finalised would have been rung up there. Penny was in and out a lot, re-filling the counters and monitoring what sold well.
Today Penny had prepared chicken and vegetable soups, chilli and pulled pork. She’d made jacket potatoes, a rice dish, and burritos. The chilled dishes were flying, and the sausage rolls and pork pies had gone down well as a specialised English dish. The demand for sandwiches, subs and a chicken and bacon salad kept Penny busy in the kitchen.
To my surprise, she’d prepared snacks that I didn’t think would sell but had flown out of the door. Penny made meat or chicken samosas and duck spring rolls from scratch, and the cakes left the counter faster than they could be replaced. Penny seemed happy enough. I kept a careful eye on what was selling, and I had to admit, everything was. Penny had chosen correctly, to her credit. I caught Jett with a sheepish expression on his face as he ate his fifth sausage roll with crumbly flakes around his mouth. Jett had the grace to appear ashamed of his greediness.
“They’re good,” Jett mumbled around a mouthful. Indeed they were; I nodded knowingly.
“Staple of students all over England.” I grinned. Jett nudged Rock, who had been introduced to me half an hour earlier, and who was biting into what I thought was his third samosa.
“Tell me,” I mused with a shy grin, “is all of Rage getting their lunch and dinner here?” Rock looked at me, and I blanched, thinking I’d said the wrong thing. Rock suddenly grinned, and I blinked in the light of it.
“Sweetheart, serve these every day, and I’ll be here buying them,” Rock mumbled, swallowed, and wandered back over to the counter. I rolled my eyes as Rock bought two more and sat again.
Jett flopped into an armchair opposite Rock and patted the arm. I hesitated before sauntering over and gingerly sitting on it. Jett’s arm shot out and wrapped itself around my waist as he relaxed back and took a massive bite out of the samosa Rock offered him. I groaned at Jett, who winked.
“I need to handle the register so Zoe can get lunch,” I told Jett. He glanced over his shoulder and then dragged the armchair over to a space to monitor me. I didn’t say a word as Rock followed suit and re-arranged my carefully thought-out seating arrangements. Zoe went on for her hour, and Reid came up and offered to cover Celine.
I looked around the shop. It was still busy, but I didn’t appreciate the Vault being left unmanned. The Vault and mock Bodleian had camera coverage which I could see on a hidden monitor at the counter. However, I still didn’t like the Vault not being covered. Silvie saved us when she kindly came back over and offered to help, which freed Reid up to watch it. Penny refused to take a break, happy to sit in the small dining area. She grabbed herself a cup of coffee and a salad.
Thanks to Silvie, we managed the lunch rush, and I realised that we’d need to stagger the girl’s lunches to just before and just after the two hours of lunch. Either that or I required two-part timers, which I thought may be pushing it a little. The shop was doing well today, but I needed to see the sales for at least three months before hiring anyone else.
Zoe was scheduled to work Monday to Friday, and Celine would cover Tuesday to Saturday. Penny got Tuesday as her day off, and we’d serve up stock that Penny would prepare on Monday. Andy received Wednesday as his day off. Reid and I would be present daily and shut the shop on Sunday.
I was worn out when the doors closed at six o’clock. Reid and the girls were happily buzzing. Andy was his usual stoic self and said goodnight. Reid had to push Zoe and Celine out, and I collapsed back against the counter. Finally, silence. I peered around and realised Reid and the girls had straightened the shop for the morning.
Reid, Jett, and I were the last three standing. Reid had a huge grin on his face as he turned towards me, phone in hand. I raised an eyebrow as I recognised his expression.
“Who is she?” I sighed, and Reid’s grin widened.
“She was into craft books,” Reid replied. I left the counter and opened the door, cocking my head.
“Scat, bugger off,” I said, causing Reid to bounce towards the exit and then paused. I saw indecision cross his face. “Go, Reid, I’m okay. I’ll lock up and pick up food on the way home.” Reid dropped a kiss on my forehead and strolled out.
“He’s so going to get laid,” I muttered, forgetting that Jett was still with me. Jett snickered, and I turned in surprise.
“Yup,” Jett agreed.
“Thanks for today, Jett. That meant a hell of a lot, giving me a confidence boost. Free lunches for a week? Suppose I better let you go too,” I said, re-opening the door.
Jett walked over, placed his hand on the frame, and shut the door.
“Let’s go eat,” Jett suggested.
“You’re still hungry?” I blurted. Jett hadn’t stopped eating all day. He laughed, and I liked that. The laughter sent a tingle through me. Jett had probably funded half the food sales alone! Mind you, so had Rock and another Rage brother, Gunner.
“Yeah, I can always eat,” Jett replied with a double entendre. I bit my lip and gave Jett a shake of my head.
“Jett, I’m not comfortable in restaurants.”
“Can grab takeout, honey? Give me your address.” I thought it over, shook my head again, and Jett placed a finger under my chin. “Give me your address,” Jett stated more firmly, and I blurted it out.
“How about Chinese?” Jett suggested. No, I didn’t want Chinese tonight. “Fried chicken?” Jett asked, seeing my face. Yup, that would hit the spot!
“Please,” I responded.
“Be at yours in an hour,” Jett smiled. Gently, he moved me to one side and went through the door. Carefully, I locked it after him and wondered how the hell I ended up agreeing to eat with Jett. Worried, I checked my watch and did a last walk around the shop before setting the alarm and closing up.