Page 95 of Say My Name
I shake my head. “No, not that I’m aware of. Someone’s fucking with me, and I need answers.”
“Well, Dimitri and Vlad know something,” Ledger adds. “Those motherfuckers are hiding shady shit.”
“Yeah, but what?”
We arrive at Club Throwdown, and Roman leaves his SUV with the valet. Even though it’s still early, there’s a sea of people when we get inside the club.
I don’t see Yuri here, which is a good thing, because I don’t want to play nice with the Russian mafia tonight. I do, however, see the two assholes I’m looking for.
They spot us at the same time.
We weave through the crowd, past the fighters in the ring, over to the brothers.
“Gentleman, how are you tonight?” Vlad says in a thick Russian accent.
“Cut the shit,” Roman barks out.
Dimitri holds his hand to Roman’s chest. “Let’s take this into a more private location.”
“Fine,” I clip out.
All eyes in the club are on us as Dimitri and Vlad lead us upstairs, but I don’t give a fuck if we’re making a scene. Dimitri and Vlad usher us into an office and as soon as the door slams shut, I spring into action, planting my fist into Dimitri’s face before I head toward Vlad.
“Start explaining,” I tell him.
He cowers. “Explaining what?”
Ledger and Roman stand aside Dimitri while I question Vlad. Their security watches us with wide eyes, waiting for us to start something so they can pull out their guns and take us out.
“You weren’t in Russia. Why did you lie to me?”
Vlad and Dimitri exchange a look.
“Heard you had some underground fight going on that weekend. Were any of my girls there? Maybe Ginger?” Is that where she went when she left Club Greed on the night of her murder?
“I’m not sure. A lot of your members come out for the fights.”
I lean closer to Vlad with barely contained rage. “If you want to keep your balls, start talking. Did you kill these girls?”
Vlad moves away from me. “No, we didn’t kill any of the girls. We hold a fight club every couple of weeks, in a different location each time. Wherever the cops can’t find us. Ginger was there once, but she’s the only one I’ve seen there. And it wasn’t the night she died. She was there with some redheaded fucker. Rich preppy dude.”
“Kurt Merrick.”
Vlad shrugs. “Maybe, I don’t know. I’d never seen him before and haven’t seen him since.”
“Know anything about a prostitution ring going on in my club?”
Dimitri stares at me. “Yeah, we heard about it.”
Vlad cuts in, “Look, we don’t like the idea of the Greedy Girls being handed around after hours. Makes them less special, and we get off on having special pussy no one else gets.”
I nod. “I get that. Has anyone said anything about who’s behind it all.”
Vlad shakes his head. “No.”
“Anyone else who works at Club Greed ever come to these fights?” Roman asks.