Page 74 of Say My Name
I pull my fingers out of Swan’s sweet pussy and suck them.
“No, no. You can’t stop,” she whines.
“Sorry, Swan, duty calls.” I nod toward the commotion, and she spins around, her hands abandoning my belt buckle.
“Oh, my god,” she says as she watches the two men fight and bark words at each other.
My security men are breaking up the fight, but I can already see a few bystanders on their phones, most likely calling the police. Or worse, taking video to post online.
That’s all I need.
“Stay here,” I tell her, not wanting her to be in the middle of this shit.
I fix my belt, and in two long strides, I’m exiting the room. I shut the door behind me, leaving Swan inside for her safety. At the same time I make it to the main area, the police barge through the front entrance. Guy Adams and another officer walk into my joint like they own the place.
“Devereaux, there you are.” Adele stands by my side with her trusty clipboard in hand. “Kurt Merrick and Derek Matthews.”
Ah, yes. The red-haired man is Kurt Merrick, son to the state senator, Don Merrick.
The guy we’ve been looking for.
“Fuck, I want to talk to them,” I say.
Security has broken up the fight, and Guy’s partner has his hands holding Derek’s hands behind his back as he leads him outside. Guy grabs Kurt and starts heading the same way.
I follow them, knowing I won’t be able to have a conversation with Kurt like I want to.
“I’m not pressing charges,” I say, hoping Guy will release the two men and I can talk to Kurt privately.
Guy spins around, his dark eyes meeting mine. “Devereaux Huxley, I knew it was only a matter of time before we were called to your club. Nothing but problems.” Guy shakes his head. “I guess if you have a club that caters to the lowlifes of society, you get this kind of shit happening.” He’s placing handcuffs on the dark-haired man, Derek, and taking him to his squad car in the lot.
The red-and-blue lights flash against the glass entrance of my club, and people spill out of the doors to get their view. I’m sure this shit will go viral on the internet within the hour. More bad press to a club already under so much scrutiny.
“Gotta give you something to do instead of picking on the locals at the 7-11,” I say.
Guy huffs. “Who started the fight?” he asks Derek.
“Look, sir, I don’t want any trouble. My friend and I got into a minor argument that got out of hand. He started the fight, but I won’t press any charges.” Guy tightens his grip on him. “I decide who goes downtown.”
“My buddy owes me money, and I was just trying to collect,” Derek says.
Kurt sits on the curb near us, his hands cuffed behind his back while the other officer gets his statement.
“You sure you don’t wanna press charges?” Guy asks me.
I shake my head. “Just trespass them. I don’t want them back here ever again.”
Derek’s shoulders slump. “Mr. Huxley, I apologize. I didn’t start the fight. I was just defending myself. Please don’t take my membership away.”
“I don’t allow men who fight in my club.”
“I can take these two guys downtown, let them cool off for the night,” Guy says. The walkie-talkie on his shoulder chirps, requesting he answer back. He steps away, leaving Derek in handcuffs next to his squad car. “This is Officer Adams,” Guy says into the receiver.
“Why should I let you stay?” I ask Derek once Guy is out of earshot.
Derek nods to Kurt. “That asshole owes me money and doesn’t want to pay what he owes me.”
“That’s not my problem.”