Page 67 of Say My Name
We head into the club, and I grab a seat in one of the secluded booths near the back.
“Have a seat, Brandon,” I tell him.
He slides in across from me, and Ledger and Roman stand behind his side of the booth, watching.
“You’re going to answer a few questions for me,” I say.
He glances at Roman and back at me. “What questions?”
“Important ones,” Ledger whispers beside his ear.
Brandon shakes him off. “Ok.”
“Are you sleeping with Sugar?” I steeple my hands on the table in front of me.
He doesn’t even need to answer. His eyes give him away.
“Yes, ok? Fuck,” he says.
“What have I told you about sleeping with the girls here?”
“Not to sleep with them.” Fear resonates in his voice.
I have to know this man is loyal, and, right now, he’s broken my trust with Sugar.
“Are you sleeping with any of the other girls?”
He shakes his head. “No.”
“How do I know you’re not lying?”
“I’m not, man. Swear on my life. I ain’t sleeping with anyone but Sugar.”
“What about Luna?”
“What? I’ve never—”
“Why were you driving past her house late at night?” I ask, keeping my voice calm and cool.
It’s like he’s working a complicated math problem in his head. “W-What?”
“Don’t fucking lie to me.” I grind my teeth. “Luna saw your black truck with the fucking bumper sticker.”
He doesn’t budge an inch. “Is that what this is? You think I killed her?”
I lean closer. “Did you?”
“What the fuck, man? I’ve never killed anyone. Swear.”
“Why did Luna see your truck driving past her house?”
“She didn’t.”
“Don’t fucking lie to me.” I sit back, glancing at Ledger who stands behind Brandon. I know he’s lying. I can tell by his shifty eyes.
“I’m not lying. Fuck.”
I nod at Ledger, and he grabs Brandon from the booth. He holds his hands behind his back and kneels Brandon down to the ground. “Start fucking talking.”