Page 65 of Say My Name
Ashley looks like she’s seen a ghost. Her face turns white. “What?” I blurt out when I can’t handle the suspense.
“I think Derek is the one killing these women.”
Chapter 19
“I have a few things to do before work,” I tell Roman when he strolls into my house.
“Someone told me that Luna saw Brandon’s truck driving by her house days before she died.”
Roman flops onto the leather sectional, his feet landing on the glass coffee table. “Brandon Foster?”
I scrub a hand down my jaw. “Yeah. I asked him to come in early so I can talk to him about it.”
“Brandon’s been loyal as fuck for years. I don’t think he’d kill anyone.”
“Did you know he’s dating Sugar?”
Roman’s brow shoots up. “No shit.”
I have a strict no-fraternization policy between security and the girls. And I’m a hypocrite, because I can’t stop thinking about Swan and how her soft skin felt beneath my palm when I spanked her ass.
How turned on she was getting, pushing her ass back for more. I didn’t feel how wet she was, but I’m sure she was soaked like she said.
I have to stop being drawn to her like a magnet. She’s taken. That’s the thing about it too. Do I just want her because I can’t have her? Is it the challenge of the forbidden that draws me to her?
I just don’t know.
All I know is I’ve wanted no one this badly. And it’s not just her pussy I’m after. I can get that anywhere.
No, she makes me laugh.
She’s unexpected, and right now it’s exactly what I need.
Roman stares at me like I’ve grown a second head. “You ok?” he asks.
“Yeah.” I shovel a hand through my hair. “I mean, no. It’s Swan.”
Roman whistles low under his breath. “I knew this would fucking happen.”
“What?” I get on the defensive.
“Man, I see the way you look at her.”
I move to the window, staring out at the hills of Saint Pierce, spotting my club far off in the distance. “I don’t look at her in any special way.”
Roman laughs and bounds from the couch, moving to stand next to me at the window. He follows my line of sight. “Remember when you first found that building for the club? How happy you were that your dream was finally coming true?”
“Yeah.” The memory rushes through my brain like it was yesterday. I’d looked and looked, the city trying desperately to thwart any chance of me opening a sex club in their town.
“I know you never planned for shit to go down like this.”
I blow out an exasperated breath. “I sure as fuck didn’t. I feel like I’m losing the place.”