Page 29 of Say My Name
We stuff our faces full of sugary sweetness, chitchatting about Vin’s impending visit, and before I leave for the day, Ashley pulls me aside.
“So, what are you going to do? Are you going to seduce Mr. Huxley?”
I nod. “I have to get somewhere with this investigation. Right now, I’m at a standstill.”
“Do you think that will work?”
“Well, I’ve never seduced a man, so I have no idea.” I’ve never been a seductress in my life. I wouldn’t even know where to start.
“Chloe, figure it out soon, before things get worse.”
“I’m trying.”
I leave the house, wondering if I really have the skills to seduce Devereaux Huxley. I need to remember I’m not Chloe Bardot. Right now, I’m Swan. Swan’s a seducing, sensual woman who has men fall at her feet.
Yes, I can do this.
Chapter 9
“Will you watch my table?” I ask Luna when I step into the server station. “I need some fresh air.” I saw Devereaux slip outside, and I’m ready to make a move. With luck, I’ll catch him smoking again. As much as it pains my lungs, I’ll take him up on his offer and accept a cigarette.
Time to turn on the charm.
“Sure thing. And when you get back, I’ll go on a break.”
I make my way through the back hall, past the kitchen to the door that leads to the back loading dock. The spot where I saw Devereaux last time. The moon hangs low in the sky, casting just enough light for me to see an empty loading area. I can still smell the smoke from his cigarette, even though I’m alone out here.
He’s not here. A small part of me deflates when I realize I won’t get to seduce him. What’s wrong with me?
He could be a killer.
This is nothing but a job for me.
Did he kill the girls?
I need to find out.
But it’ll have to wait, because if I don’t return soon, Luna will wonder where I am.
I head to the back door and when I walk through, cold liquid rains down around me and the sound of glass smashing at my feet startles me.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Panti Fabulous screams at top volume. Her tray of at least eight cocktail drinks is now all over my body. “This is for a VIP party,” she says with a pout.
Devereaux stands close, watching the exchange. “Have Raven remake your order, now,” he says to Panti.
She rushes off, cursing under her breath, her long brown ponytail swishing back and forth as she hightails it out of here.
Meanwhile, I’m soaked from head to toe. Sticky liquor—gin, rum, vodka, even beer—clings to my body. I shake my arms, trying to get some off while removing a drink straw that has stuck to my skin.
Devereaux stares at me with concern. “What were you doing outside? I know you don’t smoke.”
I scramble for a reason. “I had to take a call. Sorry.”
He tilts his head, his stare turning to disdain. “Was it the boyfriend?”