Page 15 of Say My Name
“Ok, sounds good.”
“You’ve never worked in a nightclub before, have you?”
“You’ve already hired me. You should have looked at my resume harder.” I give him a wink. “It’s too late to take the job back now.”
He smiles, and it’s really quite breathtaking. It’s almost like a smile he reserves for friends. If he has any. “I don’t remember you having one.”
I park a hand on my hip. “No? Oh, must have been my mistake. I was certain I gave it to you.” I brush past him to grab the draft beer Raven sets on the counter and hustle away from his woodsy scent to drop it off at one of my tables.
When I head back to the server station, POI’s still there, watching me.
“Are you here for my credentials?” I ask as I grab a cloth and the spray cleaner to take care of a vacated table.
“How’s your boyfriend handling you working here?”
I pause before leaving and glance over my shoulder. “He loves the money I’m making.” I head to the empty table and barely wipe it off before a new couple fills the seats. Once I get their drink order, I hurry to the computer to input their martinis.
POI’s still standing in the same spot where I left him, still studying me. He makes my palms sweat, but I push away the jitters he causes and engage with him.
“Is there something you need?” I ask.
His eyes drift over my white dress. “I’m not allowed to watch what’s going on in my club?”
He has a point. Staying on his good side is a must. I have to make sure I figure out all aspects of this club.
“I guess you are,” I say, feeling irritated with myself because I was enjoying the banter. But I need to play it safe.
“Speaking of watching… I have something I want you to see.” The husky way he says the words causes tingles to race up my spine. What could he have to show me? I almost want to get out my trusty little notebook so I can take notes while I’m walking around with him.
That would be too obvious, right?
Yes, it would.
He strides out of the station, and I ask Luna to watch my tables while I hurry off with POI. He leads me down a hallway guarded by Jerry, one of the security guards. I’m on high alert, trying to memorize everything I see. I’m looking for familiar faces because I need members’ names so Finn can question them.
He stops in front of a large window and turns to face it. “Look,” he instructs, and I move closer to peer inside.
A few couples mingle inside a big room with red couches scattered about the space. Though the room is dim, cast in a scarlet glow, I have no problem seeing everyone inside.
“What is this?” I ask.
He stands shoulder to shoulder with me as he glances down at me. “I figured since you’re working here now you should see what happens in this club. This room is a viewing room.”
“A viewing room?”
“Yes, whatever happens inside there, anyone can stand right where you are and watch.”
“Oh.” I gaze into his whiskey-colored eyes and then back into the room. “Can they see me watching them?”
One couple sits on a couch and kisses. The man drags his hand up the woman’s thigh and slips it under her dress.
My cheeks warm like I stood too long in the sun as I stare, wondering if I should turn away.
The POI nickname drifts away as Devereaux moves behind me, making my skin prickle with heat. My heartbeat picks up and I lick my lips. “Keep watching,” he whispers against the shell of my ear.
“It almost feels wrong to watch.” But that doesn’t stop me. I shouldn’t get all heated like this because I’m supposed to be undercover catching a killer. Crazy thing is, I don’t know whether it’s the amorous couple on the couch or Devereaux’s proximity that’s making my blood race at an alarming rate through my veins.