Page 128 of Say My Name
Roman stares at me. “They said they’ll let me know.” He jabs a thumb over his shoulder pointing at the empty nurse’s station.
I can’t sit here not knowing anything. “You’ve seen her?” I ask Roman. “She’s really ok?”
Roman nods. “I was right outside the building.”
It’s only after he says these words that I see the traces of blood lining his face. “You ok?”
Roman brushes off my words. “I’m fine.”
“She’s in a room,” a red-haired nurse says to Roman. “You can go see her. Room 325.”
We thank the nurse and head off in search of Greer’s room.
“Hi, Dev,” Greer says in a small voice when I enter her room.
She’s got a few cuts and scrapes on her face, and the doctor is currently stitching up a cut on her arm.
“We’re keeping her overnight for observation,” the doctor stitching up her arm says.
Roman moves closer to her. “Hey, you,” he says, staring down at her pale face.
She smiles up at him, and I can tell the action causes her pain. “Hey again. Thank you for rescuing me.”
“You rescued her?” I ask, because he left that detail out.
“Yeah, the explosion went off and I just ran into the building to get her out.”
I reach my hand out to shake his. “Thanks, man.”
“Of course.” I know Roman would do anything for my sister. We’re all practically family, and Greer is like a little sister to him as well.
The doctor stares at me. “I take it you're the brother she keeps mentioning?”
I fold my arms across my chest, giving him all of my attention. “How is she?”
“She’s pretty banged up, but she’ll be fine after some much-needed rest.”
The doctor walks out of the room, and Ledger and I exchange a glance.
“What do the police think?” Ledger asks.
Roman shrugs. “They haven’t been here yet. When I came out of the building with Greer, there was an ambulance nearby and we were brought here. No one has questioned her yet, but I’m sure it’s coming.”
Greer rolls her eyes. “I just want to forget this ever happened.”
I turn my attention to her. “Whenever you’re ready, you can answer questions.”
Two cops enter the room, and my eyes lock with Guy’s. Great.
“Can we ask you a few questions?” Peters, Guy’s partner, asks Greer.
Greer appears exhausted, and I don’t like the idea of her being questioned right now. She should be getting rest. “I can answer a few, but I really didn’t see anything.”
Guy pulls out a notepad. “Nothing suspicious when you arrived at work?”
The officers exchange a glance.