Page 11 of Say My Name
As if on cue, they both stroll into the house.Although they’re twins, they’re opposites in personality and looks. Ledger’s calm and quiet, prefers listening to talking. He rarely ventures out of his core circle of friends to meet anyone new. Roman, on the other hand, loves the sound of his own voice. He’s a charmer, and women flock to him in droves. He wants us to call him Romeo, but we stopped calling him that after high school.
Ledger’s never been a playboy, not much of a hunter. He’s a lot like me. Minimalistic. He’s got on blue-jeans and a plain-black t-shirt.
Roman’s dressed up in black slacks and a Robert Graham button-down shirt. The ones that have the loud cuff that he rolls up to show it off. The look fits him. While his shirt is white with thin-blue stripes, the cuffs are loud blue with brown paisley designs.
Roman saunters into the kitchen with a bouquet of yellow daisies in his hand. Kiss ass. I swear he can charm the panties off any lady within a five-mile radius. He still enjoys the hunt. Except he’s not dumb enough to look twice at my little sister. He knows I’d murder him if he ever tried anything.
I guess “murder” isn’t the best word to use right now, considering everything that’s going on.
Once more, my mood turns somber at the thought of losing three employees over the past few weeks.
I watch as Roman and Ledger greet Greer before she hands them each a tall, thin glass of fruity mimosa. They both keep quiet as they turn their noses up at the drink. Ledger stares at the drink like it’s about to sprout two heads and fly away. Greer doesn’t notice, however, because she’s busying herself with putting Roman’s fresh flowers in a vase.
My thoughts are all over the place today, unable to focus on any one thing for more than a few moments. I feel like an outsider looking in, always returning to the fallen girls from the club.
“I figured we’d do alfresco dining. It’s such a lovely day,” Greer says like she’s Martha fucking Stewart.Her long brown hair falls down past her shoulders. She’s very elegant, and she even dresses like how you think a lawyer would dress on her days away from the office. She’s wearing a gray pencil skirt and white blouse, while I’m wearing black jeans and a Henley t-shirt.
I nod, grabbing a glass to pour a heavy hand of bourbon into. It’s never too early in the day for bourbon.And these days, it’s not just a preferred brunch beverage. It’s medicinal.
“Have the cops questioned you yet?” Ledger asks, breaking the silence.
“Do they have any leads?” Roman asks.
I shake my head, taking a swallow of bourbon.
“Cops are always slow on the take. I bet we could figure out who’s behind this whole thing before they even finish their donuts and coffee,” Ledger says.
“Lindsey’s funeral’s tomorrow,” I say, my voice barely audible.
“Are you going?” Ledger asks me.
“Of course, I am. I was her boss. It’s because of me she’s dead,” I snap.
Greer touches my arm, her brown eyes filled with worry. “You can’t keep blaming yourself.”
I shake my head. “But it’s my fault. If they never worked there. If…”I pause and consider whether I should place a moratorium on hiring any girls until this investigation gleans more information or the murders stop.
“This has nothing to do with you. I’m sure of it,” Greer says with a soft smile that she wears like a mask to hide the truth. The truth being that it is all my fault.
“What’s up with that new girl? You sure got pissed when I got too close.” The glint in Roman’s eyes makes me edgy.
“Don’t touch her,”I warn. I practically see the words hanging in the air before I realize I’ve uttered them.
Roman looks offended. “I’ve never touched one of the Greedy Girls.” He glances at Greer.
Greer rolls her eyes. “Sure.”
Roman puts a hand across his chest. “Cross my heart, I never have.”
I step closer to Roman. “She’s off-limits.”I have no reason to even say these things about Swan. She’s not mine. She’s Tanner’s. Lucky fucking bastard.
Roman lifts his hands in surrender. “I don’t plan on touching a thing.”
“Sorry, man,” I apologize for getting into his face and business. Normally, I’ve never cared if the twins partake in the action going on every night in my club. “You can touch whoever you want.” My hands ball into fists. “But not right now. Not while all of this shit is going on.”
Roman nods. “I meant what I said. I’ve had a lot of fun at your club, but never with the staff.” He leans against the counter. “But this girl you hired isn’t like the rest of them.”