Page 54 of No Limits
“You’re the one in sneakers! But I’ll do my best.” With a wide smile, she hooks her arm through mine, and we hold our bouquets together.
The doors open, and everything falls away. My nerves, everybody else, even Chelsea. I know she’s next to me, but I can barely feel her.
Because my gaze has landed on Lochlyn, who’s standing feet in front of me with the biggest smile on his face. Everything about it calms me and he’s all I focus on. Getting to him.
Not being overly religious, we chose a secular ceremony and for it to be short and sweet. We also opted to say our own vows. I have no idea what Lochlyn will say, but I decided to go off the cuff. Nothing speaks as true as my heart in the moment.
When it’s finally time to hear what he has to say, he takes my hands in his and holds them tightly. My eyes are filling before he even starts.
“Shay. I have been in love with you for far longer than we’ve been together. There was never any choice for me but you. While we may have taken a less direct route to one another and had some hang-ups on our journey, we’re finally here, stronger and better than ever. I love you so much and I can’t wait for all that’s to come for us.” As he finishes, he raises a hand to wipe away the tears dripping down my cheek.
“Lochlyn. You’ve been an important person to me for most of my life. It wasn’t always easy, especially this past year, but things have worked out for us in the best of ways. My only regret is that Dad isn’t here to see how right he was about us. I know this day would be one of the happiest in his life and I’m so thankful he knew you loved me before he passed on.” He cups my face with both hands and wipes furiously with his thumbs.
Though the officiant hasn’t said anything, he pulls my forehead to his. “I love you,” he whispers.
“I love you too.”
Lochlyn keeps his hold on me while we go through the rest of the ceremony, refusing to let go or look at our officiant. I’m his sole focus.
The tunnel of Lochlyn I’m in, I barely register the words that Lochlyn and I exchange and say “I do” to. And there are many of them. At some point, we exchange rings. I’m glad we selected a videographer to record the whole thing since I won’t remember a second of it.
It’s not until the officiant pronounces us husband and wife that I break from the trance, as Lochlyn smiles widely and tips me backward, connecting his lips to mine in our first kiss as husband and wife.
Chapter 23
LochlynandIswayin a loose embrace of my arms thrown around his neck and his hands clasped behind my back, surrounded by our friends and family as they help us celebrate our wedding. I’m leaning back slightly so I can meet his eyes.
“You happy, baby girl?”
“So happy. You?”
“Over the moon.”
Biting my lip, I look away.
“What? What aren't you telling me? I already saw for myself there’s only one baby growing in there, so I know it’s not twins.” This has been a true concern of his. He’s even woken up in the middle of the night worried about it.
I turn my eyes back to him so I can read his expression. “I told Chelsea.”
Looking at the ground, he snorts, and I’m afraid he’s mad until he lifts his face to mine and a huge grin is spread across it.
My brow furrows in confusion. “You’re not mad?”
Leaning in, he kisses the tip of my nose. “Nope. Because I told Weston.”
We both laugh, and I snuggle into his chest. My favorite place to be, mine forever.
Kissing the top of my head, Lochlyn talks into my hair. “I love you, Mrs. Reynolds.”
Pulling back, I look at him. “Ooh, that’s a little weird.”
“I've always called your mom Mrs. Reynolds.”
He tips his head back and laughs. “Okay, well, you’re mine now, and that makes you a Reynolds. Sorry to tell you, wifey.”
“I've always been yours.” There are few truer things in life.