Page 5 of No Limits
With a movement of his hips, he slides his erection along my clit and my need compounds. My hands fly to the button of his jeans, and I reach my hand into his pants to run along his length, giving a squeeze that makes his head tip forward with a groan.
“Greedy today.”
“Needytoday,” I correct him, because I’m not being greedy.
“Well then, let’s not make you wait any longer.” Leaning on his knees, he tears the shirt from over his head before pushing up to stand, his feet on either side of my hips. He shucks his pants and boxers off in one quick movement, kicking them to the floor.
The second he’s back over me, he strips my pants and panties off in one fell swoop. My shirt and bra aren’t far behind. He takes a moment to take in my body, something he’s never stopped appreciating.
“Fuck, I’m a lucky man.”
He connects our lips as he presses two fingers inside me, and my hands attach to his shoulders. Within a few strokes, I’m writhing and wiggling beneath him while I claw at his back. He’s never stopped knowing how to read me; he’s only improved.
“Loch?” There’s a plea in my tone, and he knows what I need. Removing his fingers, he replaces them with his cock, easing into me smoothly.
The air in my lungs evaporates as I take in every inch of him. It’s always so incredible. Every cell in my body ignites when Lochlyn touches me, and they burn fiercely when he’s inside me.
A few slow thrusts have me gripping his upper arms with a deep intake of breath.
Sometimes, I hold myself back so I can stay grounded, stay in the moment. Other times, I let myself go and fall into the ecstasy of what I’m feeling. Today is one of the latter days, and I lose focus on Lochlyn and being with him and just focus on the intense sensations of him moving inside me.
Even after four years together, it hasn’t gotten old, stale, boring, or felt anything less than incredible every time.
My body rocks with the movement of Lochlyn’s hips, sounds I don’t recognize pulling from deep inside me. I tighten around him and moan some mingled words about how amazing it feels.
Everything is tingling and shimmery, the peripheral of my vision hazy. He slows, but I know he’s not done, taking me in and my need for a minute to collect myself.
Which he gives me by slowing his momentum and moving along my shoulder with slow, open-mouthed and tender kisses. After a moment, his tongue pokes out to lick along my skin, and when he sucks just below my ear, I lose my sense of self again.
My legs wrap around his waist and hook at the ankle, needing him deeper and closer.
He takes the hint and thrusts hard and fast. The sounds of skin slapping against skin, huffs of breath, and small squeaks fill my ears.
It’s not until he dips his hips so he can get deeper that we both groan as we come together.
When he slows, he gives a few more slow push ins and pull outs before he grabs some tissues to clean me up.
The second he’s on his back, he’s pulling me into his chest…one of my favorite things.
We lie in silence for a few minutes, enjoying one another’s company.
“This is nice.” His deep voice rumbles in my ear as he trails his fingers up and down my arm.
“It is.” The conversation feels stilted. It’s like we can’t figure out how to communicate. Maybe on some level, we can’t. I haven’t been able to tell him that his absence bothers me. And he hasn’t so much as recognized it.
But Lochlyn is still my everything, my other half. So sometimes, lying in silence is nice. And dealing with the time alone, no matter how difficult, is worth it to see him achieve his dreams where his career is concerned. Especially because I know he’s using it to build a life forus.
“So tonight, I have to talk to Play it Louder. They’re a smaller band, but their manager called, they need new representation. They’re based out of Syracuse, seem like they have a good sound and track record. The partners think that based on their history, they’ll be good to pick up and could be big in the future.”
“Will they get to be your clients if you sign them?” So far, Lochlyn has only gotten clients for other lawyers at the firm.
“Not sure. They said soon. Still laying the groundwork, you know?”
“I do. It’s just a lot and I miss you.” He’s beenlaying the groundworkfor months and he seems no closer to being the actual lawyer they hired him to be, instead using his good looks, wit, and charm to win over clients. Yet he doesn’t get to actually represent them.
“I’m sorry, baby girl. I miss you too. Know that I’m always thinking about you, though.”
It’s hard to believe that when he’s late for dinner. Instead of focusing on that thought, I shake it away, wanting to be in this moment, because it’s rare and special.