Page 22 of No Limits
As much as I try to put it out of my mind, I just can’t seem to. Things are so different. They’re so tense that I can’t help but fixate on it every time I feel it.
Lochlyn leans forward and puts his cup down on the coffee table, grabbing mine to place it next to his.
One finger plants under my chin and tilts me up to look at him.
“I love you. I want you to know that because I feel your tension. We’re adjusting to life and it’s hard. But know that no matter what, I love you.”
My eyelids flutter along with my heart. “I love you too.”
A slight lean forward and our lips brush. As I go to pull away, his hand clasps behind my head, keeping me against him. His tongue slips along my lips, begging for entrance.
I part my mouth, accepting him, giving myself over to him. Despite everything, I’m still his. I don’t know that I ever won’t be, at least on some level.
Our tongues dance together in a practiced routine, knowing the other’s so well. When he tilts me backward, I go with him, flatting to the couch. He leans over me, his forearms resting on either side of my head, and his gaze roams my face.
One quick wipe of my lower lip and he’s closing his mouth over mine while he drags his long hard cock along my clit. Our thin cotton pants allow for more of a connection and a stronger feel. It’s nothing like the thickness of denim or layers of fabric.
My hands fly to the hem of his shirt, tugging at it until he yanks it over his head. A small nibble at the back of my mind reminds me that we’re in the living room and the curtain is open. But with the snow slowly falling and in such amounts, nobody is out right now.
Plus, it’s getting dark. They’d have to really focus on our home to see us, and that’s an entirely different problem.
His ever-warm palms slide up my shirt, taking the garment with them, exposing my upper half to him. Kissing down my chest, he pulls my nipple between his teeth, causing me to arch into him, before flicking it with his tongue and blowing gently.
Quickly, his hands fly to my pants, pulling them off before lowering his. Without any more to do, he eases into me.
I don’t need much warmup to be ready for him, never have. But right now, there’s something missing. A connection.
And his hard, fast thrusts feel desperate, like he feels it too. Like he’s trying to reach me in the way only we connect with each other.
As he kisses across my collarbone and down my chest, my head tilts to look out our window. I track the large puffy snowflakes as they softly float in a downward spiral.
Lochlyn groans and hisses through his teeth as he comes.
And for the first time since we got together…I don't.
Chapter 11
“So,howarethings?We haven’t talked much since Thanksgiving.” Chelsea pulls her mug to her lips and slurps a hot sip.
“Eh. Not much different, honestly. I mean, he’s so rarely around for things to be better or fixed or just...anything. And I try so hard to enjoy the time we have together when heisaround, but it’s hard, ya know?” Though she has no idea what it’s like. She and Weston have an extremely strong relationship and sometimes I think it’s stronger than what Lochlyn and I have these days.
“Have you actually told him how you feel? You tend to shy away from those conversations.”
“I mean, to an extent, yes. But what am I supposed to say? You work too much, and I never see you, so stop and spend time with me? That doesn’t sound incredibly needy and self-centered to you?” Cause it certainly does to me, which is part of why Ihaven’tspoken up much.
“Maybe you just need to express that you need more quality time instead of quantity time.” She has a point, and she knows it as she takes another sip and ticks up an eyebrow.
I know something is wrong internally when my coffee sits practically untouched, cooling quickly. It blurs as my eyes fill. I never imagined that Lochlyn and I, of all couples, would end up here. Our love has always been so strong. I’m sure on some level, maybe most levels, it still is. It just doesn’tfeellike it.
“Is this what happens when you’ve been together for a long time? Does the magic start to fade?” I ask as though she has the answer, but I know she doesn’t any more than I do. Wes is the longest and strongest relationship she’s had.
“I wish I had answers for you, Shay. You know I do. But I can’t give you what you’re looking for. All I can do is offer words to placate you and my suggestions, whether they’re worth anything I can’t tell you.”
My gaze doesn’t leave the tan liquid in front of me. I can’t look at her or the dam will break.
“Shay.” She’s trying to get my attention, my focus. “Shay, please look at me.”
I do, and my lip quivers as I meet her eye.