Page 15 of No Limits
“Ah. Well then, let’s get the parade on.” Without waiting for an answer, she takes Wes’s hand and drags him off to the living room, leaving Lochlyn and I alone in the kitchen. Whether that was intentional or not, I don’t know.
I make my way around the island to stand next to Lochlyn, who’s still diligently cutting vegetables. I’m also sure he’s intentionally not looking at me as I rest my ass against the counter.
“Listen. I don’t like fighting with you, ever. But this one seems different, bigger. I know we need to work it out, talk it out, even yell it out if that’s how you feel. But for now, because our family is in the other room and it’s Thanksgiving, can we please just…call a truce?”
His even chops slow before they stop altogether. Slowly, he turns my way, and his features soften. Until they harden again as he pulls my hand from my mouth, stopping me from chewing the cuticle I was working between my teeth.
“I love you, Shay. That’s all that matters right now. So fine, a truce, or whatever you want to call it is fine. Idowant to talk it out, because it’s important, so this stops happening. But you’re right. Let’s try to have a good day.”
The ice inside me warms over and I turn into a puddle of goop, wrapping my arms around Lochlyn’s waist. The need to feel him against me is strong. Dropping the knife on the board, he turns and fully engulfs me in a hug, his fingers getting lost in my hair as his cheek rests on the top of my head.
“I love you too.”
The rest of the day goes by much smoother. Chelsea and Wes help by talking and being distracting, bringing up anything but work to talk about.
There’s even some flirting between me and Lochlyn, and he pulls me against him while we sit on the couch, waiting for the turkey to finish cooking. I go willingly, because after all, he is my safe space. It doesn’t matter what’s happening between us; he’s always my comfort.
It’s not until we go to sit for dinner that the tension returns. I can tell immediately that he’s displeased with how something turned out. It doesn’t happen often, being a whiz in the kitchen, but it always aggravates him when it does. And I’m sure whatever went wrong isn’t a big deal, something the rest of us probably won’t even notice. But Lochlyn does, and that’s all that matters.
With a plunk, Lochlyn drops bowls with a gloopy orange liquid in front of each of us. “Sorry about the soup, everybody. I was a little distracted.” That’s when he shoots a pointed glare in my direction.
Normally, I wouldn’t say anything, and I’d save it for later or let it roll off my shoulders. But I’ve had enough of this from him.
“I’m sorry, are you somehow insinuating that it’smyfault the soup didn’t turn out how you wanted it?” I splay my fingers along my chest.
“I can’t concentrate when you’re mad at me. Especially when you have no reason to be. I was doing my job, Shay.”
“Since when does your job include getting drunk with the band?” Out of the corner of my eye, I see Chelsea’s widen and she gently puts her spoon down. I’m not sure if she’s shocked, preparing for an entertaining sparring match, or getting ready to leave. I wouldn’t blame her for all three.
“That isn’t…that wasn’t…that’s not the point.”
“That’sexactlythe point.”
“You were mad well before that.”
“Because it was a day for us, Lochlyn. A day you promised me would be just you and me and we’d spend time together. And not only were you called away, but you were called away onmycell phone. A number that I did not give you permission to hand out.”
“I told you, it was for emergencies.”
“Yeah, I know. And if the other day had been an emergency, then I would have understood. I wouldn’t have been happy, but I would have understood. What I don’t understand or accept is how an emergency turns into you coming home after midnight, drunk. Seems like the onlyemergencyis that the band wanted a drinking buddy.”
“It’s about trust, Shay, building a rapport.”
“You already have that. They already hired you, so you don’t need to keep trying to win them over.”
“Should I stop trying to win you over?”
“Seems like you already have.”
Lochlyn drops his spoon loudly into his bowl and his mouth pops open. That was a low blow, and I know it. I didn’t mean for it to come out, yet it’s how I feel.
“Um, we’re going to go.”
“No, Chelsea, I’m sorry. Please don’t. This was entirely inappropriate. You still haven’t had any actual dinner.” I turn to my best friend with pleading eyes. Being left alone with Lochlyn, I’m not sure it will go well. I need that buffer.
“It doesn’t feel right.”
“No, Shay’s right. We’re in the wrong here. Please, stay for the dinner I made. We’ll put our nonsense aside for the rest of the night. Right?” That’s when he turns back to me with a question in his eyes. But aside from that, I see pain. My statement hurt him, and I knew it would, which is why I’d been holding it back. No part of me ever planned to say it to him.