Page 10 of No Limits
Our food is brought over on large, steaming plates, interrupting our moment to reconnect. Tonight has been a great chance for me to remember how much Lochlyn loves me by how much he’s focused on me. It’s almost made me forget tonight is about him.
At the memory, I pat my lips with my napkin and raise my water glass.
“To my very amazing fiancé, the love of my life, on his success in getting his first true clients at work. I’m proud of you, baby.”
He clinks his red wine against my water, takes a small sip and then reaches for my hand, as he brings it to his lips. “Thank you. This is for us though, baby girl. Everything I do, it’s for us. For our future.”
“I know. And I appreciate how hard you work. Especially since I’m still in school, so I’m not contributing much.”
We’ve had the argument several times. I want to give more, contribute, financially or otherwise. Lochlyn all but refuses. Not only is he now making good money, but he’s saved so much. And he wants me to focus on my studies, on grad school and my literature degree. That I can contribute in other ways like being supportive of him, cleaning, helping cook sometimes. All things I’d do, regardless.
To him, it’s plenty. To me, it doesn’t feel like enough.
I know he wants to provide for me, to take care of me in any and every way possible.
Sometimes, I just wish he’d let me take care of him a little too.
Chapter 5
“Happyanniversary,babygirl.”I wake up in my favorite way—to Lochlyn murmuring against my skin and kissing along my bare shoulder as his chest brushes against my back.
Rolling toward him, I smile as I take his face between my hands and bring my mouth to his. “Mm, happy anniversary.” Dropping my hold on him, I let one hand fall to his impeccable chest. “How did I get so lucky?”
“I’m pretty sure I’m the lucky one.” His hand closes over mine, one finger resting on the diamond that rests on my ring finger, sliding it side to side. It’s become somewhat of an absentminded habit he has.
The fact that we’re in our early to mid-twenties and planning our wedding already has not made a single person bat an eyelash. There’s no denying that we belong together, so why wait? Why waste a single day not being married to the man I love? If not for wanting a big day to celebrate with our friends and family, we would have eloped. It doesn't matter, though; we don't need the ceremony or the guests. Lochlyn is the only one for me; I don't need a piece of paper to tell me what’s true in my heart. In both our hearts.
“What do you want to do today? We have all day, just us.” He slides a hand suggestively down my back as he says it, his eyes falling to my lips.
“No surprise meetings today?”
“I’m not even answering my phone.” Lochlyn’s been exceptionally busy since he started taking on clients at the firm. He’s doing an amazing job and I’m so proud of him, but there are days I miss him. Many nights, he gets home after I've already fallen asleep. A lot of nights, he scoops me off the couch and carries me to bed. Saturdays, our only day together, just the two of us, are often interrupted by a band or artist with some sort of “emergency” that requires immediate attention. Far more often than it should be that involves Lochlyn getting somebody out of jail.
His job mostly includes contracts. It can be for bands to play at a location, or it can be for signing a new artist. The jail part isn't his area of expertise. But Lochlyn is charismatic and easily wins people over. His charm and sweet disposition help him win over clients and they trust him to help them.
We've set Sundays aside as family time, usually spending the better part of the day with Chelsea and Weston.
“Can you do that?”
“I don't care. I need a day alone with my girl.”
I press myself against him and run my fingertips over the defined muscles in his chest. Even after five years, he still takes my breath away. “Oh, really? A whole day just for me?”
“Absolutely.” His mouth seals over mine as his open palm rests against my lower back and he pulls me flush against him.
I still fall into oblivion when Lochlyn kisses me. The whole world fades away, and it’s just us.
And I’d want nothing more, as he shifts me to my back and moves over me, his forearms on either side of my head. This position, with Lochlyn poised over me, ready to make me feel every amazing thing possible, is by far a top five for me.
I feel safe, protected, and the anticipation of what’s about to come buzzes through me.
His hips press down, and I lift my own to meet his, feeling his hard length against my thigh.
With a groan, he drags his erection along my clit, his head dipping down so he can look between our bodies.
“Fuck, I’m a lucky bastard, Shay.” He closes his mouth over mine as he coats his fingers with my wetness before sliding inside me.
Gasping, I grip his shoulders. Slowly, he works his fingers inside me. But it’s not enough, and I need more.