Page 60 of Setting Limits
“Oh wow, that’s amazing. I’ve never had a friend for that long.” Marissa’s voice holds a touch of jealousy.
“Yeah, it’s unusual, I think, but we’ve been through a lot together.”
“By the way, Chels, Loch gave me money for dinner. He said it was his treat.”
I sigh heavily. “Of course, he did.”
“What? Why is that a problem? It seems really nice of him.” Marissa sees it as nice, but she doesn’t know my brother.
“It is.” Shay gives me a look like I’m being ungrateful. And I guess in a way I am. But he doesn’t have to pay.
“He just doesn’t have to do that. And he does. A lot. Our parents aren’t around so they give us cash, and sometimes, it just seems like he throws it around.”
“He doesnotdo that Chelsea. Lochlyn saves more than you realize. Far more than he spends. Which, he knew you were going to do something like this, so Wes also gave me enough to cover your meal if you’re insistent on not letting Lochlyn pay for you. But I’m letting him pay for me and Marissa.”
I stare at her, mouth agape. I can’t believe they both gave us money.
“They’re just trying to take care of us, Chels. That’s all either of them want. You know that. Don’t let this be an issue.” Her voice is low and calm with a touch of pleading mixed in. She’s hoping I don’t turn this into something more than it needs to be.
She’s right. Of course, she is. But pride is clearly not something that is easy for me to let go of.
“You’re right. Sorry. I don’t care. Whoever wants to pay. Or maybe we also order some dessert from somewhere.” I turn my head so my chin touches my raised shoulder, one eyebrow arched on my forehead.
“Oh, I like that idea.” We both look over to Marissa, who raises her shoulders to her ears. “Sorry, I know it’s not my money, but come on! Girls’ night!”
“She’s right. Let’s get dessert.” How could I say no to that logic? Hopefully Shay’s on board.
“Absolutely. Does that place with the really good tiramisu deliver? You know I never turn that down. Oh, and cannoli. Mmm, my stomach is grumbling just thinking about it.” Shay crosses her arms across her stomach and bends forward. She’s always been a sucker for a good dessert, especially if there’s coffee, which I bet we could also scrounge up.
“Okay, I’m going to order the food, and we’ll figure out dessert after.” I grab my phone and the menu and walk out before I have a chance to hear their okay.
When I tap it to open the dial pad, I see a text.
Wes:Hey sweetness. Just wanted to tell you to have fun tonight and let you know that I’m missing you.
My chest flutters as my heart races. Wes is far sweeter than I expected him to be. He’s always been funny and good at breaking tension, but for some reason, I didn’t expect the sweet side. Or the dirty side. The two together is just utter perfection.
I shoot off a quick text before I order.Missing you too.
The food is delicious, the company is great, and the place that Shay likes with the good tiramisu does in fact deliver, so after gorging on Chinese food, we added a handful of different desserts.
Feeling overstuffed, we’re lounging on some blankets and pillows on the floor when I start to drift off.
“Uh oh, looks like it’s hit Cheslea’s bedtime. She’s notorious for going to bed early.” Shay nudges me in shoulder to get me to wake up.
“I’m sorry, miss night owl. I don’t like being up all night.”
“And I don’t like being up at six.”
“How are you two such opposites and yet not only room together, but are best friends?” Marissa seems stunned, but Shay and I have always been light and dark, oil and water, and yet the best mix there can be.
“It’s a mystery.” We all giggle, and then Marissa stands and stretches.
“Thanks, ladies. I had a lot of fun tonight. We should do it again!”
“Yeah, we should. I had a good time too.” The fact that Shay said it is a good sign. She’s the one who’s harder to convince to be social. And she’s around far less than I am. Granted, I’m usually here with Wes.
“Maybe we could all do a triple date or something.” That’s probably wishful thinking on Shay’s part, but I get where she’s coming from. She just wants to be with Lochlyn all the time. I finally understand that feeling.