Page 53 of Setting Limits
“Yeah, true.” We’re lying in his bed, and his fingers are sliding up and down my arm.
“Maybe we could get a hotel somewhere? Just the two of us for a few days?” A single room, just me and Wes and, if possible, one with room service so we never have to get dressed.
“That sounds amazing. I bet a lot is booked, though.” His voice is filled with wonder.
“My parents gave me alotof money this year. I bet I could splurge on a nice one.” With robes and everything. The idea is only getting better.
“Not ever going to happen with me, sweets. I was raised that the man takes care of his lady and always pays.”
“But I have the money. I’m happy to help. It’s my fault we’re in this mess anyway,” I grumble and swirl my fingers along his impeccable chest.
“Nope. Use that money to buy some nice gifts for people. I know you feel guilty about Lochlyn and Shay, so buy them something nice.” Some gifts have already been purchased since I wasn’t sure what was going on financially. I didn’t want to miss out and saw a few perfect things for Loch and Shay. I do have Wes to buy for still, though.
“Then I’m no better than my parents, throwing money at the problem.” Spending more money, buying expensive things, that’s not the way I’ll go. It either suits them or it doesn’t.
“It’s not quite the same, but I see why you feel that way. Maybe look at it more as an apology for last year. And keep the rest as fun money. I know you’ve had a hard time not having any.”
“I’ve gotten more used to going without.”
“Christ, Chelsea. I’m both finding and paying for any hotels. Got it?” The firmness in his tone isn’t something new, but I’m still growing accustomed to hearing it from somebody who’s not Lochlyn.
We luck out and are able to find a relatively inexpensive room at one of the nicer hotels in town. It’s not exactly what we would have imagined for our first Christmas, but at least we’ll be together.
It’s how we find ourselves back at his apartment on Christmas Eve. I’ve already gotten my things from my dorm, a bag sitting packed and ready in the trunk of his car. All that’s left is to grab some things from the apartment.
Shay had told me she and Loch were going to swing by the dorm to collect whatever she needs for break, so we have a window of time to get back to the apartment before they are.
There’s something about Wes that just melts my insides. He’s fun and likes to make me laugh. All the way up the stairs, he smacks my ass repeatedly.
As we stumble through the door to the apartment, his chest brushes my back, and suddenly, packing feels like the least necessary thing.
“I want to give your Christmas present.” I try to use my sultry voice, one that he sometimes makes fun of, but always appreciates.
“Mmm.” He nuzzles his nose against my neck.
That’s when a door slams, and we jump apart. Lochlyn is standing just outside his room, his chest puffed out and eyes wide.
“Chelsea, what’s going on?” Though he’s calm, there’s a tinge of anger in his words.
“Uh, well, Weston and I are, um…” I look up at Weston to save me, not quite sure what to say or how to answer that. He needs to be ready to share too.
“We’re, um, dating?” Weston states hastily, as if he’s at a loss for words.
Shay appears behind Lochlyn, peering just over his shoulder. But the look in her eyes—something I have shielded myself against, anticipating the worst—is light, calm, and twinkling.
It’s in this very moment I realize how foolish I’ve been to keep this hidden from her. She understands, she always would have. I’m the one who put this obstacle in my own way.
“What happened to Brendan?” Lochlyn’s voice is still calm, but it comes through gritted teeth.
“We broke up.” There’s such nonchalance in the way I say it. Maybe because it seems so far away, maybe because it was a long time coming. I can’t really be sure, but it barely fazes me.
“When? We were just home a month ago.”
“Before we left to come back. I just couldn’t do the distance anymore.”
Lochlyn glances over his shoulder, and Shay shakes her head. She’s probably just as shocked that I hadn’t told her as Lochlyn is. But I needed them to not know. There was a lot to work through, and things with Wes progressed quickly. This all happened before I had a chance to work out the best way to talk about it.