Page 41 of Setting Limits
His smile tips up on one side, and he looks down at the console between us. “Not quite yet, sweets. So, dinner?”
“Yeah. Dinner.”
He leans across the car, his finger under my chin, and barely brushes his lips against mine before sitting back in his seat and watching me exit the car. “I’ll pick you up at seven tomorrow. Have a good night.”
“You too, Wes.”
I’m stuck in place as Wes drives away. When he’s out of sight, I turn around and look up at my room. The light’s on, and I can see Shay moving about the room, probably on the phone with Lochlyn.
These nights alone with her mean more now that I almost lost her. Maybe should have lost her. Where would I be, what would become of me, had Shay chosen Lochlyn and had I stayed stubborn? Being lonely sometimes is worth it for them to be happy and to get these solid nights of just girl time to bond.
Yet there’s this one big thing I want to talk to her about and won’t. Because I can’t stand to see the look on her face when she realizes what I’m actually telling her. That I lost my shit over her dating my brother, but now I’m dating his best friend.
Sometimes when I think it through, it seems silly. And other times, I feel like the worst person on the planet.
I propel myself forward, getting my ass inside. Shay’s here, sacrificing time with the person she loves most in the world and who loves her most, to be with me. I can’t let that go unappreciated and to waste.
Shay’s my best friend, and if she reacts to the news of me and Wes the way she should, the way that’s fair in the face of what I said and did to her, this time together is sacred.
Chapter 22
OnenewthingthatI’ve learned about Weston in our few weeks of going on regular dates is that he’s very punctual. At least when he’s arriving to pick me up.
After that first week of three dates in a row, we’ve kept it going, though he’ll change it up a bit. One week, we went out on Tuesday and Thursday, including a breakfast date. The following week was Monday and Friday, both lunch. It seems random at times when others feel calculated.
He also brings little gifts, like flowers, candy, or new magazines.
It’s clear what he’s doing. The little things to show that he knows me, that he listens and pays attention. While appreciated, it’s unnecessary. Somehow Wes doesn’t understand that he’s not alone in his feelings. I just can’t act on mine. Not yet, at least. If he’ll be patient with me, maybe we can be together in the future.
But that brings up other issues. Like the fact that he’s graduating this year. How do you hold out, knowing that it may end before it’s even gotten off the ground?
Perhaps the most surprising thing is how patient he’s been with me sexually. Aside from a brief kiss on the cheek, forehead, or lips, and a hand around my waist or connected with mine, he’s not making any moves. Neither of us are virgins, and he knows I’m not, but he’s not pushing, even though sometimes I wish he would, just a little.
And then those thoughts make my stomach freefall as I realize how hurt Shay would be for me to turn around and date Lochlyn’s best friend, when I had so much issue with him dating mine.
There’re ten minutes left until today’s date, and I have no idea where we’re going or what we’re doing. He usually doesn’t share details. Having to guess what to wear isn’t too hard, but every now and again, a hint would be nice.
A knock on my door has me checking the time. Still seven minutes until the agreed on pick up. Is it Marissa? She’s been coming by almost daily, and we’ve gotten much closer.
When I pull it open, I don’t find Marissa. It’s Wes, with his hands high up on the frame, leaning forward with his head tipped down.
“Um, hi.” I’m not sure what else to say when he doesn’t budge.
When he does, he takes two big steps toward me, and one hand closes around my hip while the other cups my cheek, his thumb running along my chin.
It’s in this moment that I know I’ve broken this man. His patience was a facade.
“Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea. You have no idea what you do to me. I don’t mind waiting for you, but you have to let me know if you’ll let me in at all. I can’t keep going like this. Wanting and needing and desiring you for you to push me away.” His words ghost against my skin as warm puffs of air.
“I have to set limits here, Wes.”
“Because you’re my brother’s best friend.” It’s that simple. At least to me it is.
“So? I seem to recall that he’s dating yours. And he has been for a year now, much of that time was spent quietly and in secret. So how is this different?”
“Because Shay and Lochlyn are soulmates. They were always destined to be together. They just fought it for years, because of me.” Selfish, self-centered me.