Page 28 of Setting Limits
“Your usual?”
“I got it, Loch.”
“No way.”
When we get to the register, he places the orders for all three of us, not having to ask Shay or myself what we want. It’s one of the things I love about my brother. He remembers the tiny details. The things that you’d want somebody to know about you. Shay tells me all the time all these tiny details she mentions once and he remembers, including the name of her favorite author, a book she wants, and the fact that her necklace is an infinity symbol which matches his finger tattoo.
“Before we get back in this car, let me make something exceptionally clear. No spilling.” His eyes dash between Shay and myself, but land on me for a longer period of time.
“Okay, I get it. I won’t spill.”
When his stare stays on me, my eyes widen.
“What? I mean it, I won’t spill.”
“Alright. You do, you buy me a car wash.”
Once we’re all buckled, Lochlyn leans over the center console to give Shay a quick kiss, smiling as he moves back to his seat. I train my gaze on her as she pinks and settles low in her seat, pulling her cup to her face. The show of affection probably just makes her nervous in front of me. She’s always hated being in the spotlight.
My phone pings just as Lochlyn merges back onto the highway.
Brendan:Looking forward to seeing you tonight ;)
I roll my eyes and put the phone in my pocket. He barely tells me he misses me, but is excited I’m coming home? The winky face at the end means he’s only excited for sex. And for all I know, he’s been getting it anywhere and everywhere else. He’s not a player by definition, but I don’t doubt that he wouldn’t turn it down if the opportunity presented itself.
My fingers tingle with the need to send a message, but I feel like I shouldn’t.
For a few miles, I’m able to push down the urgency. Then I finally give in and shoot off the text before I can think too hard about it.
Me:Hey! I hope you have a great Thanksgiving at home.
The return text comes almost immediately, and my heart flutters along with the message.
Wes:Hey. I hope you do as well. We should do something when we’re back.
Do something? Does he mean just the two of us?
Wes:Uh, all of us. Sorry, probably should have specified. Maybe a movie night or something? Could be fun.
My chest deflates a little, and I feel like a traitor. Especially because I have a boyfriend and absolutely nothing is going on between me and Wes except a budding friendship. The party a few weeks ago was nothing, just two somewhat drunk friends hanging out, and the resulting feelings I thought had developed were surely a side effect of the Jell-O shots.
But it does sound fun. Time with Lochlyn and Shay can be hard to come by. And any extra time with Wes is just a bonus.
Me:Yeah. That sounds like a good time. I’ll bring the popcorn.
Wes:Oh no way. Popcorn is my specialty. But you can bring the candy. My favorite is Skittles.
A giant smile spans my face.
Me:Skittles. Got it.
Wes:Don’t forget that. It’s an important detail.
Me:I won’t.
Wes:Good. See you this weekend Chelsea.