Page 24 of Setting Limits
Smart planning.
For the next hour, we wander around the party, checking in on various games, watching the TV. We find a den that has some music playing and people dancing, but we don’t really settle anywhere, grabbing a drink each time we pass through the kitchen, which seems to be the central room of the downstairs.
It’s not until my third Jell-O shot and Marissa’s fifth, that some guy comes to talk to her. She tells me she’ll be right back and follows him, so I’m left standing against the wall.
That’s when a bulky guy with blond hair comes to lean against the wall next to me. He’s cute enough, just a little too muscular for my liking. I like muscles, don’t get me wrong, but leaner and more toned than bulky and veiny. Six pack? Yes, please. The V that makes girls stupid? Mhm. But biceps the size of my head? No thanks.
“Hey, good lookin’. I been watchin’ you all night.” He’s got a bit of a southern twang to his words. I find it a touch endearing.
“Hi there.”
“What’s your name, pretty thing?” Two compliments in a row. He’s trying hard.
“Chelsea, I’m Grant. Nice to meet you.” He extends a big hand, and I put mine in his. It seems so tiny in comparison.
“You too, Grant.” It’s then that I shift my gaze and notice cobalt eyes zeroed in on me. And they arenothappy to see me.
Wes’s features are tight, his jaw solid stone, and he looks ready to burn the house to the ground.
When Grant puts his hand on my arm, it’s then that I realize he’s been talking this whole time. But Wes notices too, and the ember in his eyes ignites. “—and I heard about their excellent agricultural program and just had to come here and see all that New York has to offer. I’m hoping to make it down to New York City sometime soon. You been there?”
“Uh, yeah. I have. I grew up not too far from the city.”
“Ah, so you call itthe city. Very interesting. Maybe you can show me around sometime if I get a chance to make it down there.” He’s putting on some smooth moves; I have to give him credit for that.
“Sorry, she won’t be able to do that.” Wes’s deep voice fills my ear. I took my eye off him for one second, and suddenly he’s at my side, looping his arm around my waist and pulling me against his ribs, making my heart race. “Sweetness, I’m sorry I’m late.”
“Oh, uh, sorry. Didn’t realize she had a boyfriend.” Without giving me a chance to explain, Grant turns on his heel and leaves. I can’t say I blame him. Wes is not nearly as bulky as he is, but something about his demeanor and the look in his eyes right now would make me turn and run too.
Instead, Wes turns me so that my back is against the wall, and his hands land on either side of my head, effectively caging me in.
“What are you doing here?”
“It’s a party. What are you doing here?” Duh, the answer seems simple.
“Why are you alone? Where’s Lochlyn?”
“He’s not my keeper, Weston. I don’t need him here to protect me.”
“Well, somebody should be. It’s not safe to go to parties alone. People are all too happy to take advantage when they can.” I highly doubt Grant had any intention of taking advantage of me, but I guess you never know.
“I’m not alone. I’m here with Marissa.”
“You mean her?” He points over his shoulder into the kitchen. I follow to where he’s pointing and find Marissa, on the counter, legs spread while the guy who said ‘hi’ to her stands between them, his tongue likely down her throat with the way they’re making out.
“We came together.”
“That’s not okay, Chelsea.” Hot air caresses my face, and Wes’s warm, spiced scent wafts over me as he huffs. “Guess I’m your buddy now.”
I don’t get a chance to refute his argument before he takes my hand, brings me into the kitchen, hands me another blue Jell-O shot, and then leads me to the dance room.
I assume he’s going to just hover, and we’ll dance or watch, but he twirls me close, tips the Jell-O shot to my lips and jerks his head up. That’s my signal to take it. Which I do. And I keep my gaze trained on his the whole time, noticing the dilation of his pupils and the quick lick of his lips.
What’s happening right now, I couldn’t say for certain, but it’s kind of intriguing, at the very least.