Page 22 of Setting Limits
“No, not today. Is she missing?”
“Missing is a loose word. I just can’t find her, and we had plans to go to dinner in a bit. Wasn’t sure if she changed her mind or if she’ll be back.” Justine’s a little notorious for disappearing. I’ve heard Marissa looking for her more than once.
“Sorry, can’t help you.”
She takes a minute to look around my room, and her eyes settle on Shay’s made bed.
“You’re alone a lot, aren’t you?” Her tone sounds a little sad, and it pangs in my chest.
“Um, yeah, kind of.”
“I see Shay with a hunky guy most of the time. They have to be dating because he looks at her like she hangs the moon, the stars, and the whole damn galaxy.”
He really does look at her that way, and it always turns me green with jealousy.
“Yeah, that’s my brother, Lochlyn. They’ve been dating for almost a year.”
“Wait, your best friend is dating your brother? Isn’t that kind of weird?”
This is clearly going to turn into a longer conversation, so I push away from my desk. “Yeah. Come on in, and I’ll tell you the tale.”
She walks in and settles in Shay’s chair, turning to face me and clearly eager for what I’m sure she thinks will be juicy gossip. It is to some. But to me, it’s the story of how a best friend becomes a villain.
“I’m not going to make it too long, but, yes, my best friend and brother are dating. I was super vocal about it never happening, so when they finally got together last year, they kept it a secret from me…for months. That didn’t go over so well when I found out—by walking in on them, no less—I kind of lost my shit. Yelling happened, ultimatums were given, and ultimately, they broke up because of things I said.” I hang my head in shame before I continue.
“They were both miserable because they really love each other. In the end, I put my issues aside, and now they’re happily dating in the open. But they’re together almost all the time.”
“I saw a pretty good-looking guy with dark hair here not too long ago. Who’s he?”
I don’t even have to ask anything. I know exactly who she’s talking about. “Oh, that’s Weston. He’s Lochlyn’s roommate. He was just looking for Lochlyn, figured since this is Shay’s room it may be a good spot to check.”
“He seemed like he could be interested in you. The way he was standing and leaning in. I mean, I just saw briefly, but still.”
“Weston?” I practically laugh his name as nervousness takes over me. “No way, he’snotinterested in me. Besides, he has a girlfriend. And I have a boyfriend.” Oops, almost forgot that last part.
“You do?” Her eyes narrow, and her head tips to the side as she looks at me. “I never see you with anybody.”
“Oh, he lives back home.”
“Ah, one of those. He better be like the world’s best guy if you’re missing out on all this fresh meat for him. Is he?” She cocks her head to the side as if by challenge, or maybe she’s trying to see through me in case I lie.
“Sadly, no, he’s not. It probably won’t last much longer.” It should have ended before I even left.
“Eh, we all have them.”
“Have what?” Boyfriends back home? That can’t possibly be true.
“That one guy that hangs around a little too long.”
“Oh, that’s most of the guys I end up dating, sadly.” They all hang out far longer than they should. It’s clear that none of them are worth more than a quick hook-up, but end up being boyfriends for some stretch of time.
Her shoulders reach her ears as she shrugs. “That’s just the way sometimes. But trust me, somebody will come along and sweep you off your feet. My sister was the queen of hanging on to men who shouldn’t have even been caught. And then she met her husband, and he blew any other guy out of the water and made her realize she’d been dating a bunch of moronic fools.”
Wow, that sounds a lot like me. “Well, I hope the latter part comes true for me as well.” Maybe it won’t. Maybe that’s my payback for the bitch I’ve been to Shay and Lochlyn. For breaking them up. Or maybe it’s like Mom and Dad have said, I’m just not worthy of anybody’s time. Certainly not theirs, as they made that perfectly clear.
“So, what do you guys do besides hole away in your room?”
“Oh, I don’t do that. Do I?” I’ve never been that type, and I certainly don’t want that to be the impression I give off.